It is referenced as "the powerhouse'' of the cell
What is the name of the 7 bones in the ankle and upper foot?
Skeletal (voluntary, striated) , smooth (involuntary, digestive) and cardiac (involuntary, heart)
What are the requirement for human life?
The requirements for life is oxygen, nutrients, temperature and atmospheric pressure.
What are the 4 major types of tissues?
The 4 major types of tissues are Epithelial, Connective, Muscle and Nervous tissues.
Balances and coordination
What can we learn from bones ?
The bones can teacher us the age,gender and ancestry of the person the bones belong to.
Myosin are thin filaments and Actin are thick filaments.
True or False
False, Myosin are thick filaments (A bands) and actins are the thin filaments (I bands).
Since the cell membrane regulates what enter and leaves the cell. What is this process called?
This process is called Selectively Permeable.
What is the difference between Simple squamous and Stratified squamous?
Simple squamous function is to diffuse and filtrate but stratified squamous function is to protect.
Creates osteocytes
The "B" in osteoblasts can reference to build
What are the four section of the vertebrae?
cervical (neck) , thoracic (Middle back), lumbar (lower back), sacrum and coccyx (tailbone)
What is stored in the synaptic vesicles ?
neurotransmitters are stores in the synaptic vesicles and are release to the cleft and tells the muscles to contract.
Since diffusion requires no energy, what is this process called?
This is called Passive Transportation.
Where can you collagenous fibers be found?
You can find them in the bones,ligaments and tendons.
Diffusion and Filtration
Simple squamous
Proximal epiphysis is closest to the body's center and distal is farthest away from the body's center.
What are the three different layers of connective tissue ?
Epimysium ( outer layer), Perimysium (separated), and Endomysium ( Surround each individual muscle fiber)
What are examples of Active Transport?
Exocytosis (things exiting the cell) and Endocytosis (entering the cell)
What the three types cartilage?
Hyaline, elastic and fibrocar cartilage.
Make myelin sheath that provides insulation around the axon
It is the large opening through the bottom of the skull where the spinal cord enters the skull.
Foramen Magnum
Describe The Sliding Filament Theory
The sliding filament theory is theorize that the contraction of a muscle occurs as the thin filaments slides past the thick filaments. this theory involves five different molecules and calcium ions.
Why don't they put PURE water in IV bags?
Pure water is a hypertonic solution allowing our cells to expand because of the hypertonic solution.
what is name for cartilage cells?