The coxae, otherwise known as the hipbone, is formed by the connection of three separate bones: the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. Out of the three coxal bones, this one is the largest.
What is the ileum
The two types of myofilaments found in the sarcomere of muscle tissue.
What are actin and myosin?
Pleura that covers the inside surface of the lungs.
What is the visceral pleura?
Organ on to which the adrenal gland is attached.
What is the kidney?
Fat-filled space between the dura mater and the periosteum.
What is the Epidural space?
When fully pronated, this bone of the forearm is most laterally positioned.
What is the ulna
Ion released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum after nerve signal propagation through the t-tubules.
What is calcium?
2 of the 3 lobes of the right lung are joined by the horizontal fissure.
What are the superior and middle lobes?
Regulates the function of the anterior and posterior pituitary glands.
What is the hypothalamus?
Specific segment of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve.
What is a dermatome?
This type of fracture is a fracture of the distal radium and typically occurs when a person extends their hand while trying to break a fall.
What is a Colles fracture
Primary function of the skeletal muscles in the pharynx.
What is swallowing?
Name of the amount of air moved in or out of your lungs in one respiratory cycle.
What is tidal volume?
Sense affected by pituitary tumours.
What is vision?
Most distal part of the spinal cord which marks the official end of the spinal cord proper.
What is the conus medullaris?
This bone is considered the only connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton
What is the clavicle
Protein that covers the active sites on actin, preventing myosin from binding when the muscle fiber is at rest.
What is tropomyosin
Common space used by both the respiratory and digestive systems
What is the pharynx?
Hormone released from the posterior pituitary when there is a decrease of blood pressure or volume, or an increase in certain electrolytes in the blood.
What is ADH or Vasopressin?
Part of spinal cord that has the largest proportion of gray mater in respect to white mater.
What is the sacral part?
This type of fracture involves the breakage of the distal tibia and often includes the fibula.
What is a Potts fracture?
In the event that a skeletal muscle is injured, type of cell that may be triggered to differentiate and assist in the regeneration of repair of the injured muscle.
What are satellite cells
Name of the cells that produce mucus to form a protective layer over the epithelium to trap inhaled particles and microorganisms along the respiratory tract.
What are goblet cells?
When there is hypersecretion of Growth-Hormone-Releasing-Hormone (GHRH) it results in ______ in children, and _____ in adults.
What is gigantism and acromegaly?
Component of gray mater that only occurs within the T1-L2 area and contains cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons.