These 2 areas of the spine curve anteriorly (lordosis)
cervical and lumbar
Name all of the ligaments of the vertebral arch
ligamentum flavum, interspinous, supraspinous, intertransverse
The intermediate layer of the extrinsic back muscles have what function/role?
What type of joint is the manubriosternal joint?
fibrocartilage, cartilaginous
Which ligament supports the dens?
transverse ligament
superior articular process
The superior portion of the posterior longitudinal ligament is known as
What is known as the "external corset" and acts as a girdle?
thoracolumbar fascia
Which ribs are true ribs? False ribs? Floating ribs?
Ribs 1-7: true ribs
Ribs 8-10: false ribs
Ribs 11 and 12: floating ribs
Name 3 characteristics of cervical vertebrae
small vertebral body
large IV discs
uncinate processes/uncovertebral joints
bifid spinous processes
transverse foramen
What are the functions of intervertebral discs?
shock absorber, spacer, motion unit
What is the role of ligamentum nuchae?
keeps cervical spine extended
Which muscle(s) is known as the prime mover of the head and neck?
splenius muscles (splenius capitis, spenius cervicis)
How is the 1st joint of the sternocostal joints different from the others?
cartilaginous, no movement
The ____ dictate the amount of motion at a segment
Lamellae of anulus fibrosis is made up of what kind of collagen?
type 1
True/False: the spinalis muscle inserts onto the occipital bone
false, inserts on the spinous processes of C2-C5
Which nerve innervates the diaphragm?
This supraspinatus ligament continues cranially and becomes the
ligamentum nuchae
If there is a far lateral disc herniation at the L4/L5 level, what nerve is affected?
The cruciform ligament is made up of these 2 ligaments
transverse and longitudinal
What muscles are in the transversospinales group?
semispinalis, multifidus, rotatores
What causes rotation to the right?
L external oblique, R internal oblique, R transverse abdominis
This one isn't from the quiz tehe:
Each rib articulates with its respective vertebral transverse process except
ribs 11 and 12