MSI Related
Exam Related
Straight Facts 1

The deep longitudinal sling connects the erector spinae, multifidus, thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament, and biceps femoris. What is the most lateral erector spinae muscle?



What are the three similar actions of the psoas major and iliacus?

hip flexion, hip IR, pulls trunk + pelvis forward to cause extension of lumbar spine

Where do both the iliacus and psoas major attach distally?
Lesser trochanter

What are the three similar actions of the psoas major and iliacus?

hip flexion, hip IR, pulls trunk + pelvis forward to cause extension of lumbar spine


Your pt has a crease on their L lumbar spine. Which ligament is likely stretched?

R intertransverse ligament - pt is SB towards L = stretching the R


Your pt reports pain relief with repeated flexion. Consider which muscle group is lengthened with lumbar flexion. Which of these muscles have a proximal attachment on spinous processes?

erector spinae is lengthened with lumbar flexion 

spinalis + iliocostalis have attachments on spinous processes


What type of bone is located in the center of the lumbar spine vertebrae and why?

cancellous bone is in the middle because it absorbs shock - cortical bone is on the periphery (harder bone)


If you injured the thoracolumbar fascia, which abdominal muscles would be primarily affected?

The internal oblique + transverse abdominis because they attach proximally to the fascia


Prior to flexing the hip and extending the knee in standing, a specific muscle must be activated prior to movement in order to achieve stabilization. What is the proximal attachment for this muscle?

iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia, inguinal ligament, lower costal cartilages


When activating the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor, this other posterior muscle typically contracts as well. What is the innervation to this other posterior muscle?

Dorsal rami of all spinal nerves


When testing this muscle, the pt receives a 5/5 when they have their hands underneath their head and clear the inferior scapula. What is the proximal attachment for this muscle?

rectus abdominis - pubic symphysis + pubic crest


Your pt has lower crossed syndrome. What is tight posteriorly? What is the innervation for this?

dorsal rami of all spinal nerves at the appropriate level


Your pt is unable to rotate fully to the left. It is because of abdominal weakness. What muscles are involved in the rotation of the trunk to the left?

Right external oblique + L internal oblique


Which two abdominal muscles attach distally to costal cartilage? (different levels but still costal cartilage)

rectus abdominis (5-7)

internal oblique (7-9


 Which abdominal muscle does NOT attach to the linea alba?

rectus abdominis


It is important when performing CPA/UPAs to have the pt arms at their side to make sure the lumbar spine isn't pulled into extension due to a certain muscle. What are the actions of this muscle?

extends, adducts, IR arm at shoulder

protracts pec girdle with humerus fixed

pulls trunk upwards&forwards when arms are raised above head


The posterior oblique sling contains the latissimus dorsi, glute maximus, and the thoracolumbar fascia. What is the distal attachment of the latissimus dorsi?

intertubercular surface of humerus/bicipital groove


The lumbar plexus forms inside the psoas major. What is the proximal attachment for this muscle?

vertebral bodies L1-L4

transverse processes L1-L5


Shirley Sahrmann created lower abdominal strength assessment criteria. Consider the muscle that is the number 1 priority with this assessment/treatment. What is the distal attachment for this muscle?

pubic crest to pubic tubercle

inguinal ligament 

linea alba


What innervates the facet joints of L3-L4?

