The death of cardiac cells due to a lack of blood supply
A group of similar cells found in an organ that performs a specific function
An elevated patch of melanized skin
a mole
Cells that make the bone matrix
The technique of feeling body structures under the skin with your fingertips
The type of muscle that gently moves food through the digestive tract
smooth muscle
The anatomical term for the forearm
The type of gland that secretes the oil found on your scalp
sebaceous gland
The outer covering of a bone
Programmed cell death
The tissue containing specialized cell junctions called intercalated discs
cardiac tissue
The metabolic term describing the building of an ATP molecule by the mitochondria
The most deadly type of skin cancer
The location of the bone feature called the dens/odontoid process
Axis or C2
The approach of understanding of the human body by studying interactions of its parts
The type of membrane that lines passageways that open to the exterior environment
mucous membranes
The system containing cutaneous glands
integumentary system
The stratum layer of the epidermis consisting of up to 30 layers of dead cells
stratum corneum
The suture that separates the parietal bones from the temporal bones
squamous suture
The study of the structure and function of a cell
The organ where you would find transitional epithelium
urinary bladder
The name of the membrane which lines the abdomino-pelvic cavity
parietal peritoneum
Create the friction ridges on our fingertips called "fingerprints"
dermal papillae
The bone that houses the pituitary gland
The more common name of the "Crural" region