____you make when filing a claim, or taking an inquiry call has the potential to impact either the claimant or employers involved.
Every Decision
Who administers the UI Program?
Who oversees the UI Program?
A federal tax paid by the employer that funds the administrative costs of UI. It funds the costs of administering the UI and Job Service programs.
A state tax paid by the employer that establishes Virginia’s UI Trust Fund from which UI benefits are paid. It funds the benefit costs of UI.
The total of two quarters that a claimant must have during the base period for a claim to be monetarily eligible.
The first 4 of the previous 5 completed quarters prior to filing a claim.
Regular Base Period
The last 4 of the previous 5 completed quarters prior to filing a claim is known as
Alternate Base Period
The most recent completed quarter.
Lag Quarter
Even though the claimant may have enough earnings to monetarily qualify for a claim, there may be circumstances that could prevent them from receiving UI benefits which are called ______.
Provide benefits to the regularly employed member of the labor force who become unemployed through no fault of their own.
Purpose of the UI Program
The two types of issues.
Separation and Non Separation
The separation issues are _____.
Discharge, Voluntary Quit and Leave of Absence
Who renders a decision on separation issues?
Hearing Officer
Who renders decisions on non separation issues?
A & A Deputy
The first week that the claimant meets all the eligibility requirements and files their weekly claim for benefits.
Waiting Week
The first claim filed.
Initial Claim
Once an initial claim is filed and the claimant returns to work for at least 30 days or 240 hours and becomes separated again.
Add Claim
Once an initial claim is filed and the claimant returns to work for less than 30 days or 240 hours and becomes separated again.
IE Add Claim
Once an initial claim is filed and the claimant has no intervening employment since originally filing the claim.
Reopen Claim
The three qualifications a claimant must meet to receive benefits.
Monetary, Separation and Weekly
An employer not exempt from paying UI taxes.
Covered Employer
Filed when an individual has claimed the final payable week of his/her benefit year and continues to claim benefits with no interruption in his/her claim series.
Transitional Claim
Filed when the employer reduces the claimant’s normal customary hours due to a lack of work and the claimant is making less than their weekly benefit amount.
Partial Claim
The type of claim that is filed if the claimant is totally separated from his/her employer at the time the claim is filed.
Total Claim