what does MTPJ stand for?
metatarsal phalangial joint
what ligament is located on the medial aspect of the ankle and foot?
deltoid ligament
what is dorsiflextion?
how many phalanges does the human foot contain?
what does atf stand for?
anterior talofibular ligament
demonstrate eversion of the foot and ankle
what is the heel of the foot called?
the calcaneus
what ligament connects the calcaneus and the fibula?
the calcaneofibular ligament
name the six main movements of the ankle and foot
dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, medial and lateral rotation, inversion and eversion
you have two small circular shaped bones on the bottom of your first metatarsal. What are those bones called?
sesamoid bones
what are the three ligaments on the lateral aspect of the foot and ankle?
the ptf, the atf and the calcaneofibular ligament
what ligaments support plantarflexion?
the tibialis anterior, anterior talofibular ligament, flexor digitorium longus
the base of the tibia rest on what bone?
the talus
what tendon is located near the heel of the foot?
the achilles tendon
what helps resists over eversion of the ankle?
The primary action of the medial ligament is to resist over-eversion of the foot