What is considered to be the most important sense?
Which types of blood vessels carry blood back to the heart?
Which tissue produces lymphocytes and filters out impurities and harmful substances?
What occurs when oxygen and carbon dioxide gases are exchanged
When does the physical breakdown of food begin?
When the teeth chew and grind the food
What is the name of the cells that are used for vision in the dark or dim light?
Which types of blood vessels carry blood away from the heart?
What is the purpose of antibodies?
What is ventilation?
Where do most of the digestive products pass into the bloodstream?
What is the name of the cells that sense color and are mainly used for vision in bright light?
How many chambers are in the heart?
Where are antibodies produced?
What is the name for the windpipe?
What is the name for food that has been chewed and mixed with saliva?
Which taste is sensed at the back of the tongue?
What is another name for high blood pressure?
What is a body's hypersensitive response to an outside substance that is otherwise harmless?
What is the large flat muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?
Which organ breaks down toxins?
What is the condition where the lens of the eye gradually becomes cloudy and causes blurred or partial vision?
What is the pale yellow liquid part of the blood?
Which lymphatic tissue destroys and removes old red blood cells?
What is the name of the tiny hairs that filter dust and germs out of the air entering the respiratory system?
About how long does food stay in the stomach?