The basic units of all living things
A technical term for fat. It gives smoothness and contour to the body while protecting internal organs and insulating the body.
Adipose tissue
Groups of body organs acting together to perform one or more functions.
Body systems
The connection between two or more bones of the skeleton.
The middle part of the muscle.
A colorless jelly-like substance found inside cells in which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and water are present.
Controls hormone levels within the body that determine growth, development, sexual function, and health of entire body.
Number of bones in the cranium
Back portion of the epicranius; the muscle that draws the scalp backward
The dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell; it plays an important part in cell reproduction and metabolism.
A fibrous tissue that binds together, protects, and supports the various parts of the body.
Connective tissue
Makes blood and oxygen available to body structures through respiration; eliminates carbon dioxide.
Respiratory system
Bones that form the sides and top of the cranium
Parietal bones
Muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head.
The watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus of the cell and is needed for growth, reproduction, and self-repair. The protoplasm of the cell.
A protective covering on body surfaces, such as skin, mucous membranes, the tissue inside the mouth, the lining of the heart, digestive and respiratory organs, and the glands.
Epithelial tissue
Controls movement of blood throughout the body
Circulatory system
Bone that joins all the bones of the cranium together
Sphenoid bone
Thin muscle that controls the eyelid and can be easily damaged during makeup application
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
The usual process of cell reproduction of human tissues that occurs when the cell divides into two identical cells called daughter cells.
Carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions.
Nerve tissue
Eliminates waste from the body reducing build up of toxins.
Excretory system
Inner and larger bone in the forearm, attached to the wrist and located on the side of the little finger.
Muscle that bends the foot up and extends the toes
Extensor digitorum longus