The basic unit of all living things
What is a cell
The process of taking food into the body
What is Ingestion
The part of the muscle farthest from the skeleton
What is Insertion
Controls and coordinates all other systems
What is The Nervous System
Nutrient rich fluid circulating through the circulatory system
What is Blood
Organ that has the function to excrete urine
What is Kidneys
A colorless jellylike substance in which nutrients are present
What is protoplasm
System that controls mental activity and facial expressions
What is Central Nervous System
Major and minor extending from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth
What is Zygomaticus
system that passes DNA from one generation to the next
What is Reproductive System
The body's Pump
What is The Heart
A specialized organ that produces chemicals for the body to function optimally
What is a Gland
Normal process of cell reproduction
What is Mitosis
System that destroys disease causing toxins and bacteria
What is Immune/Lymphatic system
The part of the muscle that does not move
What is Origin
Covers, shapes and supports the skeleton
What is Muscular System
Cell that destroys disease causing germs
What is White Blood Cell
Organ that discharges bile as part of the digestive process
What is Liver
Chemical process that takes place in living organisms
What is Metabolism
Largest of the cranial nerves
The autonomic nervous system controls these muscles
What is Involuntary muscles
System that contains sensory receptors
What is Integumentary System
Circulation of oxygenated blood from heart through the body
What is Systemic Circulation
The collective name for oil and sweat glands
What are Exocrine glands
Influences the cell metabolism and cell begins to function less efficiently
What is Aging
The process of moving food along the digestive tract
What is Peristalsis
Muscles turn inward
What is Pronate
Gland most closely connected to the regulation of blood pressure
What is Pituitary Gland
Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries
What are Arterioles
The fluid that bathes and surrounds the cells and provides them with nutrients
What is Interstitial Fluid
Takes in nutrients breaks them down and creates energy for the cell
What is Mitochondria
The strongest bone of the face
What is the Mandible
Muscles rotate
What is Supinate
What are the 4 types of tissue found in the body
What is Connective, Epithelial, Muscle and Nerve Tissue
Fluid part of the blood that contains 90% water and is delivery system
What is Plasma
Eliminates salts and minerals through perspiration
What is the Skin