the study of the structure and composition of tissue, also known as microscopic anatomy
the study of the structures of the human body and substances these structures are made of: the science of the interconnected detail of organisms or their parts
The study of the functions and activities performed by the body structures, including physical and chemical processes
plays an important part in cell reproduction and metabolism
contains the nutrient material necessary for cell growth, reproduction, and self repair
Blood is the ------- fluid circulating through the circulatory system and is considered connective tissue.
transports lymph fluid, whereas the circulatory system carries blood.
The lymphatic system
a group of specialized glands that affect the growth, development, sexual activities, and state of the entire body.
endocrine glands
takes nutrients, breaks them down, and creates energy used within cells for metabolism is called ATP
controles the introduction of beneficial substances into the cell and the removal of waste and other subsutances that do not benefit the life of the cell
Cell Membrane
is the normal process of cell reproduction in human tissues that occurs when the cell divides into two identical cells called daughter cells
A chemical process that takes place in living organisms, converts nutrients to energy so the cell can function and eliminates waste
Has 206 bones that form a rigid framework
There are 8 to 10 pints of blood in the
Human body
acts as a defense against disease and invading bacteria and toxins by developing resistance
lymphatic system
are also known as ductless glands, which release secretions called hormones directly into the blood stream, which in turn influences the welfare of the entire body
Endocrine glands
are connected to bones by tendons.
The connection between two or more bones of the skeleton is called a
The main bones of the neck include.........which supports the tongue and its muscels, and the cervical vertebrae/
hyoid bone
covers ,shapes, and supports the Skeleton tissue. Contracts and moves various parts of the body
Muscular system
The body has more than 630 muscles, which account for approximately .....percent of its weight
The normal temperature of blood is
Estheticians may perform------------, which improves lymphatic flow, reduces swelling, and stimulates circulation
lymphatic drainage
plays a major part in sexual development, sleep, and metabolism
pineal gland
skeletal or voluntary, smooth or involuntary, cardic are the three types of
Muscle tissue
the three parts of a skeletal muscle and their location in relation to the skeleton. The --------is closest to the skeleton.
large, flat triangular muscle that covers the lower back
Latissimus dorsi
large muscle that covers the back of the upper arm and extends the forearm
is the largest and most complex mass nerve tissue in the body
contributes to blood clotting process
Clients with auto immune diseases may require special consideration ans a compromised immune system are often a
Contraindication for treatment
Is the most complex organ of the endocrine system. it affects almost every physical process of the body: growth, blood pressure, contractions during child birth, breast milk production, sexual organ functions in both men and women
The pituitary gland
originates in the brain, extends down to the lower extremity of the trunk, and is protected by the spinal column.
Spinal cord
Carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain, where sensations are experienced.
Sensory nerves
the chief sensory nerve of the face that serves as the motor nerve of the muscles that control chewing
Fifth Cranial Nerve
A type of motor nerve that controls the motion of the neck and shoulder muscles; it is affected during facials, primarily with message
eleventh cranial nerve
carries the blood from the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated
Pulmonary circulation
carries vital componets to the cells and takes waste away
The lymphatic system does not have its own pumping mechanism and relies on some actions of the
Circulatory System
assist in the regulation of metabolism, stress response and blood pressure and support of the immune system health through the generation of specific hormones.
adrenal glands