Sound waves pass in air along the auditory canal then sound energy is converted to _____________ energy as the vibration is set up in the tympanic membrane.
Mechanical (kinetic)
The hair cells in the Organ of Corti are sandwiched between the _____________ membrane and the basilar membrane.
The unit of measurement of sound intensity is the ____________ .
The three main types of hearing loss include conductive, sensorineural, and __________ hearing loss.
Ear infection, a perforated ear drum, and benign tumors in the middle ear would be diagnosed as a ________________ hearing loss.
Mechanical energy for hearing is converted to electrochemical energy as information is transmitted as nerve impulses from the _____ ________ by the auditory nerve to the brain.
Hair cells
Hair cells nearest the oval window (base) are activated by the ___________ pitched sounds while those furthest away at the narrow end of the cochlea are stimulated by ___________ frequency sounds.
Highest, low
A decibel level of ___________ (dB) is the faintest sound audible to the average person.
A conductive hearing loss involves a problem in the ___________ or ____________ ear.
Outer or Middle
Another term for ear wax is ________________ .
The parts of the external ear include the pinna and the external ______________ ___________ .
Auditory meatus
The basilar membrane is _________ at the base and ______________ at the apex.
Thin at base
Thick at apex
The usual decibel level for conversational speech is about __________ dB.
The decrease in the strength of a sound is called _______________ .
Infections such as rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus can cause _________________ hearing loss.
Sensorineural (prenatal/perinatal)
The three bones of the middle ear include the stapes, incus, and the ________________ .
Cilia on the hair cells are longer at the apex than at the base so long cilia resonate at _______________ frequencies.
The first point of relay for the auditory pathway in the brain is the _____________ nucleus.
A problem in the inner ear will result in a _______________ hearing loss.
Exposure to loud noise, bacterial meningitis, ototoxicity, and presbycusis are examples of ___________________ sensorineural hearing loss.
The Organ of Corti rests on top of the ______________ membrane.
There is one row of inner hair cells in the Organ of Corti and ____________ rows of outer hair cells.
The final point of the auditory pathway after the inferior colliculus is the medial _______ _______.
Geniculate Nucleus
Malformation of the outer ear, ear canal, or middle ear structures would be diagnosed as a ________________ hearing loss.