Often painful in those with golfers elbow (the common flexor origin)
What is the medial epicondyle of the humerus
This is where you might ultrasound if your patient has an MCL sprain
What is the medial joint line of the knee.
If trying to find L4, you might want to use this bony landmark.
What is the iliac crest
During a shoulder injury where the clavicle separates from the shoulder blade, you might be asked to ultrasound here, over this joint.
What is the acromioclavicular joint
If your patient has hip bursitis, you might be asked to ultrasound around this bony landmark.
What is the greater trochanter of the femur
The prominent tendon stemming from both the gastrocnemius and the soleus
What is the Achilles Tendon
The common extensor origin, most often ultrasounded with tennis elbow.
What is the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
With plantar fasciitis you might be asked to ultrasound this attachment location of the plantar fascia
What is the calcaneal tubercle
Located in the lateral foot, this bony prominence is on the 5th MT
What is the base of the 5th metatarsal
This is a common insertion point for 3 of the 4 rotator cuff muscles.
What is the greater tubercle of the humerus
This anterior ligament is commonly injured in an ankle sprain.
What is the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL)
T3 is roughly in line with this.
What is the spine of the scapula
This tendon makes up the medial border of the anatomical snuff box (hint: EPL)
What is the extensor pollicis longus
You might ultrasound here if your patient has knee pain and a tight vastus lateralis affecting patellar tracking.
What is the lateral border of the patella
You can use this bony prominence to locate S2
What is the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)