What is the pubic symphysis comprised of?
Right and left coxa.
What is the longest and largest upper limb bone?
Which of the following is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?
Skull, vertebral column, pelvic girdle, or thoracic cage?
Pelvic girdle.
What is the opening for the spinal cord?
Foramen Magnum.
What is hematopoiesis?
Blood production.
What are the tibiofibular joints and their locations?
Proximal: Lateral condyle of tibia + head of fibula
Distal: Fibular notch of tibia + distal fibula
List the proximal row of carpal bones from lateral to medial.
The scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, and pisiform.
How many of each type of vertebral bone are there?
7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 1 sacrum, 1 coccyx.
What immovable joint is the boundary between the parietal bone and the temporal bone?
Squamous suture.
What are the 5 parts of a long bone?
Diaphysis, epiphysis, metaphysis, articular cartilage, medullary cavity
Name the bones of the leg from thigh to foot.
Femur, patella, tibia and fibula, talus, calcaneus, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges.
What is the intertubercular sulcus and where is it located?
Located between the lesser tubercle and greater tubercle, the intertubercular sulcus is a depression that contains the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle.
Which ribs are true, false, and floating?
1-7 true, 8-10 false, 11-12 floating.
What bones contain alveolar process?
Mandible and Maxilla.
Which cartilage makes up intervertebral disc, pubic symphysis, and the menisci of the knee?
Where is the lower limb attached to the axial skeleton?
Sacroiliac joints.
What are the medial and lateral epicondyles on the distal humerus and what do they provide?
They are bony side projections that provide surfaces for muscle attachment.
What are the 7 features of the sternum?
1.Clavicular Notch 2. Body 3. Xiphoid process 4. Jugular Notch 5. Manubrium 6. Costal Notch
The three curved depressions on the floor of the cranial cavity are called...
Cranial fossae.
What kind of bone marrow is in adults and children?
Children = red bone marrow, adults = yellow bone marrow
How is weight referred through the lower limbs?
Femur → Knee joints → Ankle joints → Feet
Each upper limb contains 30 bones. List out each bone and how many there are of each.
1 humerus
1 radius
1 ulna
8 carpal bones
5 metacarpal bones
14 phalanges
What are the three types of spinal curvatures and what do they look like?
1. Kyphosis: exaggerated thoracic curvature 2. Lordosis: exaggerated lumbar curvature 3. Scoliosis: abnormal lateral curvature
The prominent bulge on the inferior surface of the temporal bone that acts a neck anchor for neck muscles is called?
Mastoid process.
What is the purpose of central (Haversian) canals?
They are tubes for blood vessels - they bring in nutrients and minerals including calcium