How many bones located within the ankle/foot area?
28 bones
2 motions at the knee joint?
Flexion and Extension
Ilium, Ischium, and Pubic Bones fuse to form what?
The Coxal Bone
Label the quadrants of the body
LUQ --> LLQ --> RLQ --> RUQ
List the 3 bones at the elbow
Distal humerus
Ankle joint name where INV and EVER occur? Articulation btw talus and calcaneus
Sub-Talar Joint
Explain the difference btw "cruciate" and "collateral" ligaments?
Cruciate cross to form "X" protect against shearing forces
Collateral are on the sides and protect against side to side movements
How many motions occur at the hip joint?
6 - flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, IR, and ER
List as many of the 6 organs within the urinary system that you can
Kidneys (2 of them)
Ureters (2 of them)
RC joint - Radio-carpal Joint
Hallucis refers to what?
Big Toe
Landmark name for the 2 "knuckles" located on the femur
Medial and Lateral Condyle
Identify the Ball and Socket from the hip joint
Ball = femoral head, head of the femur
Socket = Acetabulum
Identify the Ball and Socket of the shoulder joint
Ball - humeral head, head of the humerus
Socket - glenoid cavity, fossa
There are how many carpal bones?
The 1 carpal bone I've asked you to remember is what?
List one of the lateral ankle ligaments?
CF - calcaneofibular
ATFL - anterior talo fibular
PTFL - posterior talo fibular
List the 4 bones associated with the knee section?
Patella, Femur, Proximal Tibia and Fibula
Identify a hip muscle and the motion it's responsible for?
Flexion: iliacus, psoas group
Extension: gluteus maximus, hamstrings
Adduction: gracilis, adductor group
Abduction: TFL, gluteus medius
IR: pectineus, sartorius
ER: piriformis, obturators
List the 3 sections of vertebrae and how many are in each section
Cervical - 7
Thoracic - 12
Lumbar - 5
Which muscle flexes the elbow?
Which muscle extends the elbow?
Biceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Demonstrate and name at least 2 ankle motions
DF, PF, Inv., Ever.
Identify at least 2 of the 3 landmarks located on the tibia?
Tibial Tuberosity
Intercondylar Notch
Tibial Plateau
Pubic bones are held together by what? (Ligamentous structure btw two bones)
Pubic symphysis ligament
Describe the Labrum and name 1 of the rotator cuff muscles
Rotator cuff = subscapularis, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and teres minor
The scaphoid carpal bone is located within this area?
Anatomical Snuffbox