This system is your bodies communication team, where your brain and hormones work together to keep everything running smoothly.
What is the Neuroendocrine system?
While in the mother's womb, a fetus grows for this long before birth.
The way human move is unique, because we use this method, which means "two-foot"
What is bipedalism?
This is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
what is nutrition?
Your integumentary system is your body’s outer layer. It’s made up of your skin, nails, hair and the glands and nerves on your skin.
What is the Integumentary System?
A human is considered an toddler from which year to which year?
What is 1 to 3 years old?
This is one of the benefits of bipedalism.
What is travel long distances, use tools, or carry things?
These are the 2 different types of traits.
Inherited and Learned
This system is known for filtering waste from the bloodstream. It includes the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
What is the urinary sytem?
This stage comes just before adolescence. This ranges from ages 9 to 12.
What is preadolescence?
Muscles move in these 2 ways.
What is voluntary and involuntary?
These are tools used to predict the probability of offspring inheriting specific traits by showing possible gene combinations
What are Punnett Squares?
These are the 2 main things the Locomotor system does.
What is movement and protecting organs?
At age 35-64, adults stop growing physically and begin todo this.
what is age?
Muscles move the body by doing this.
What is contracting and relaxing?
This is consisted of organized DNA and genetic information.
What are chromosomes?
The heart, arteries, veins and blood are a part of this system.
what is the cardiovascular system?
This stage in life ultimately end with death.
What is Elder/ Older adult?
These four things help humans balance and walk more efficiently.
what is a strong curved spine, a short wide pelvis, angled femurs, and arched feet.
This refers to the chemical reactions that occur within the body to maintain life.
What is a Metabolism?