These are immature lymphocytes that become immunocompetent in bone marrow.
This is the largest mass of lymphatic tissue.
The structural and functional unit of the kidney is the?
The vascularized component is called the?
Glomerular pressure is how many mmHg?
55 mmHg
This is the kind of immunity where antibodies cross the placenta to the baby.
One of the two primary lymphoid organs.
Thymus or bone marrow
Urine is transported from the kidneys to the bladder by the what?
The renal corpuscle is composed of the what and what?
Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule
What is converted from the release of renin from the kidneys, and what does it do?
Angiotensin II - vasoconstricts systemic arterioles
The thymus functions to select T-cells that show this kind of tolerance.
Weak self-tolerance
This is the term referring to the amount of joining-together of lymph vessels.
The cortex of the kidneys is in the superficial or deep area of the kidney?
A/R the kidneys use diffusion to filter blood?
R - pressure gradient
A/R, Ca2+ ions are responsible for maintaining the concentration gradient.
R - K+ or Na+
This is the term referring to antibody concentration during an immune response.
This is another term for pharyngeal tonsils
Put these is order the way urine travels through them: Renal pelvis, minor calyx, major calyx.
minor calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis
A/R Filtrate passes through the distal convoluted tubule before it passes through the proximal c.t.
What does the body filter out of blood to keep?
RBCs, WBCs, platelets, large plasma proteins
Lymphocytes are formed from these red bone marrow cells.
Name and describe the regions where lymph nodes are concentrated.
cervical (neck), axillary (armpit), inguinal (groin)
The bladder can hold maximally how much urine?
1000 mL
Roughly trace blood from the aorta through the kidney, and to the vena cava.
Aorta>renal artery>smaller arteries> interlobular aa>arcuate aa> smaller interlobular aa> afferent arteriole> efferent arteriole>veins in reverse
Net Filtration Rate is glomerular hydrostatic pressure minus what?
Colloid osmotic pressure and capsular hydrostatic pressure