These are the two main divisions of the nervous system.
Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System
The walls of blood vessels are called by this clothing-related name.
The larynx protects your lungs with this flap of tissue that (usually) prevents food from going further into the respiratory system.
This type of digestion involves the physical breakdown of food. Your stomach churns and your teeth chew, for two examples.
Mechanical Digestion
This player has proven themselves to be the fastest buzzer in the class (or at least the holder of the highest-priority buzzer)
These parts of neurons receive impulses and transmit them toward the cell body.
Blood is pumped from the right ventricle into this blood vessel, the beginning of which is known as a "trunk."
Pulmonary Artery
The larynx contains bands of tissue that can vibrate, giving us the ability to do this.
This structure is part of both the respiratory and digestive systems.
Your knowledge of Pokemon may pay off if this player was in charge of the final exam.
These cells are the building blocks of the nervous system. They don't regenerate, so be careful with them!
This ventricle produces the strongest pump. The systemic circuit needs a lot of pressure!
These hairlike structures keep mucus from entering the lungs.
The large intestine compacts waste and primarily absorbs this substance into the body.
This player has become a devout follower of a particular doodle, praying to him before many tests.
The medulla oblongata makes up one section of the brain stem, with these other two parts making up the rest.
Pons and Midbrain
Deoxygenated blood arrives at this chamber of the heart.
Right atrium
Our bodies inhale by telling the diaphragm to do this, increasing the space in the thoracic cavity.
The four sections of the colon
Ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
Often missing class because they care about things like music, these two students nevertheless still perform well in class.
Somatic Nervous System
The names of the two atrioventricular valves share this ending, though one is also known as the Mitral valve.
By the time air reaches the lungs, it is has been conditioned so that it has these three qualities.
Clean, warm, and moist
The muscle movement that helps guide food down the esophagus and into the stomach is called this.
Look out LeBron, this player is convinced that they could beat 99 random people at basketball for a billion dollars.