General Terms
Fingers are _____ to your elbow. (term for this direction)
What is distal? Distal = further from midline proximal = closer to midline
Protects the brain
What is the skull? connected to spine. vertebrae 7 cervical - neck 12 thoracic - connected to ribs 5 lumbar - largest 5 sacral (fused) back of pelvis 4 coccyx (fused) tailbone
Also called voluntary muscle, this type of muscle is responsible for movement.
What is skeletal muscle?
Portion of the airway comprised of the mouth and upper throat.
What is the oropharynx. Tongue and teeth help with eating and speech. Nasopharynx = nose area. Mandible (jaw) is movable and maxilla is not.
Smallest blood vessels.
What are capillaries? aorta-arteries-arterioles-capillaries-venules-veins-vena cava
The head is _____ to the thorax.
What is superior? superior = above inferior = below medial = middle (either side to side or up/down)
Finger bones.
What are phalanges? hand = metacarpals wrist = carpals forearm = radius and ulna upper arm = humerus
This muscle type is found in only one organ?
What is cardiac muscle? involuntary muscle that has automaticity. smooth muscle found in many organs.
Cartilaginous structure that prevents food and liquid from going down the wrong pipe.
What is the epiglottis. covers larynx (voicebox) which contains the vocal cords and connects to the trachea. Trachea has cartilaginous rings. Cricoid is only full ring.
Protein responsible for oxygen carrying capacity in blood.
What is hemoglobin? Part of red blood cell. White blood cells fight infection and clean up junk. Platelets help with clotting. Plasma proteins carry other stuff and keep blood in vessels.
Plane that divides the body into front and back halves.
What is frontal or coronal plane? Mid-frontal plane runs through mid-axillary line (armpits) Divides into anterior and posterior. sagittal or lateral plane = left and right halves (remember it is always the patient's right and left) mid-sagittal plane goes through belly button mid-clavicular line goes through midlle of collarbones transverse (axial) plane = top and bottom halves
How many pairs of ribs attach directly to the sternum?
What are 7 (true ribs)? bottom 5 are false ribs with last 2 pairs called floating ribs. clavicles run over top 2 ribs sternum = breastbone manubrium = top of sternum xiphoid process = pointy bit at bottom of sternum
Muscle that connects the skull to the breastbone and collarbone.
What is the sternocleidomastoid?
The trachea branches into these.
What are bronchi. Which split into bronchioles and end in alvioli where exchanges take place. Alvioli are surrounded by pulmonary capillary beds. Separate from bronchial vessels that feed the lungs themselves.
2 main differences between arteries and veins (aside from what they carry).
What are arteries are more muscular and veins contain valves. Remember that arteries carry blood away from heart and veins towards. Pulmonary vessels rebel against the norm by carrying the wrong kind of blood (pulmonary artery is de-oxygenated and pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood).
Position where patient is lying supine with the head elevated less than 45 degrees.
What is the semi-Fowler position? Supine = face up Prone = face down Fowlers = supine with head up at 45-60 degree angle
Pelvic socket.
What is the acetabulum? head of femur fits here. ischium - posterior part of pelvis iliac crests -"wings" of pelvis pubis - where halves of pelvis meet in front
Major posterior muscle group.
What are the gluteal muscles? Gluteus maximus is largest muscle in the normal body and one of the strongest muscles in the body.
Membrane that lines the chest cavity.
What is the parietal plura. Visceral pleura covers lungs.
Names of the heart valves in order of blood flow (start where blood returns to heart finishing with blood going into aorta).
What are the tricuspid valve, the pulmonary valve, the mitral (or bicuspid) valve and the aortic valve? In between the right atria to right ventricle, right ventricle to pulmonary artery, left atrium to left ventricle and left ventricle to aorta.
Also called the recovery position, preferred position for stable (especially pregnant) patients.
What is left lateral recumbent position? Lessens pressure on vena cava allow more blood flow to heart. Right side not used as much because of above and facing away from bench seat.
Interior protruding ankle bone.
What is the medial malleolus? Lateral malleolus is out ankle bone. Foot bones are tarsals and metatarsals. Toes are also phalanges like fingers. lower leg = tibia and fibula (smaller one) upper leg = femur
The strongest muscle used in chewing.
What is the masseter?
Nerve that connects to the diaphragm.
What is the phrenic nerve. goes through 3-5th cervical vertebrae. Thus "3, 4, and 5 keep the diaphragm alive." intercostal muscles innervated through intercostal nerves coming out of the thoracic vertebrae.
Names of the cardiac conduction system structures in order of firing.
What are the sinoatrial node, the internodal pathways (Bachmann's bundles/interatrial tracts), the atrioventricular node (junction including Bundle of His), bundle branches and Purkinje fibers.