This innervates the diaphragm, allowing your lungs to inhale air.
What is the Phrenic Nerve?
This nerve innervates the Piriformis
What is the nerve to the Piriformis?
This muscle is described as the "bucket carrying" muscle
What is the Coracobrachialis?
This muscle is innervated by the Trigeminal Nerve (CN V) and it elevated and retracts the Mandible
What is the Temporalis?
This nerve innervates the deep extensors of the forearm/wrist
Scalenes allow ____, and _____ of the head, and assist in _____ inhalation
What is flexion and rotation, and deep?
This muscle is the longest muscle in the body
What is the Sartorius?
This muscle is the prime mover of the Brachial Group
What is the Brachialis?
This muscle depresses the lower lip
What is the Depressor Labii Inferioris?
This muscle Supinates the Forearm
What is the Supinator?
This muscle elevates the ribcage during quiet Inspiration
What are the External Intercostals?
This muscle is so large it is innervated by both the Obturator nerve and the Sciatic Nerve
What is the Adductor Magnus?
This three headed muscle group is inserted on the Olecranon process of the Ulna
What is the Triceps Group?
This is known as the kissing muscle
This flexor is inserted on the distal phalanx of the big toe
What is the Flexor Hallucis Longus?
This muscle is activated during Quiet Expiration?
What is none of muscles?
This muscle is the only muscle innervated by the Inferior Gluteal Nerve
What is the Gluteus Maximus?
This muscle is an extensor of the pinky finger
What is the Extensor Digiti Minimi?
This muscle Draws the lower lip and corner of mouth inferior and laterally and partially opens the mouth- as during an expression of surprise
What is the Platysma?
This muscle originates on the posterior surface of the femur, proximal to lateral epicondyle
What is the Plantaris?
This muscle originates on the posterior surface of the sternum
What are the Transverse Thoracis?
This muscle Abducts and Medially Rotates the thigh at the hip
This muscle is inserted on the Dorsal surface of the index finger
What is the Extensor Indicis?
This muscle pulls the corner of the lips laterally
What is the Risorius?
This muscle is innervated by the sciatic nerve and inserts on the medial surface of the proximal tibia
What is the Semitendinosus?