What chemical is released to unbind the active site from the tropomyosin?
Describe muscle organization from largest to smallest.
Muscle, Muscle Fascicle, Muscle Fiber, Myofibril.
What is twitch?
The basic unit of tension Production.
What are the 3 ways of relaxing a muscle?
Elastic Force, Opposing Contractions, and Gravity.
What are the 6 functions of skeletal muscle?
2) Maintain Posture
3) Support Tissue
4) Guard Entrances and Exits
5) Maintain Body Temperature
6) Store Nutrient Reserves
What are the 2 types of Skeletal Muscle Contractions?
Isotonic and Isometric
How does the structure of smooth muscle differ from skeletal muscle?
In smooth muscle, the actin and myosin are spread equally throughout the muscle.
What is Treppe?
An increase in peak tension after completing the relaxation.
What are the two types of energy reserves? Explain the differences?
Immediate and Delayed. Immediate is the current ATP in the muscle. Delayed is the Glucose and Glycogen that takes time to break down.
What are the two functions of having motor units?
Control the amount of force and duration of force.
Describe the ideal sarcomere length.
What is the outermost layer of muscle fascicle called?
What are the 4 phases of a twitch?
Contraction, Relaxation, Resting and Latent.
What is the most energy-rich compound? (When broken down)
What's the function of smooth muscle in Digestive system?
Squezzes throuwt so f00d gos doun.
What's the advantage of smooth muscle retraction over skeletal muscle retraction?
It can contract equally in any shape.
Name the 4 general types of Muscle Fascicle arrangement?
Parallel, Convergant, Pennate, Circular.
Which has a faster stimulus frequency? Wave Sumation or Incomplete Tetanus
How does lactate form?
What are the functions of levers in the body?
They change the direction and magnitude of the force. They also increase versatility.
What muscle contractions take place while doing a curl?
Concentric and Eccentric
The single has more coordination and the multi is for fine control.
What is the optimal sarcomere length?
2 mm (micrometers)
What is Glycolysis? What is broken down? What does it turn into?
Glycolysis is when a Glucose turns into 2 pyruvates.
What are the functions of the Agonist, Antagonist, and Synergist?
They play the main, the villain and the support.