Where does the iliopsoas muscle insert?
lesser trochanter
greater trochanter
linea aspera
neck of the femur
lesser trochanter
What is the origin of Rectus Femoris?
What is the common insertion of the quadriceps muscles?
femoral tuberosity
tibial tuberosity
linea aspera
tibial tuberosity
Which muscle is a hip adductor?
rectus femoris
What is the common origin of the hamstrings?
Tibial tuberosity
Greater tuberosity
Greater Trochanter
Ischial Tuberosity
Ischial Tuberosity
What is the main function of the patella?
Protects the knee
Provides mechanical advantage
Locks the knee in place
Both a) and b)
Both a) and b)
Name the bones of the Coxa:
Pubic Symphysis, Ischial, Iliac
Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
Ilium, Pubic tubercle, Ischial Spine
Coccyx, Sacrum, Coxae
Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
What is the function of the pelvis?
Supports weight
Protects pelvic organs
Forms birth canal
All of the above
What pathology involves a lateral S-shape curvature of the spine?
Lateral Curve Dysfunction
Which of the following statements about the spine is true?
All vertebrae in the spine have a body.
Only the cervical spine retracts.
All three parts of the spine (cervical, lumbar and thoracic) rotate well.
The spine is perfectly straight, which gives it both stability and mobility.
Only the cervical spine retracts.
What is the C1 called
Prime Mover of?
Erector spinae
Trunk Extension
Force couple of the trunk flexors and hip extensors completes what movement?
posterior pelvic tilt
How many muscles make up the Hamstring - Name all 3
Biceps Fem
What does MCL LCL Stand for
Medial/lateral Colat Lig
Which of the following statements about the transverse abdominis muscle is true?
The transverse abdominis is the deepest abdominal muscle and is a prime mover for trunk flexion.
The transverse abdominis is the most superficial abdominal muscles and is a prime mover for trunk rotation.
The transverse abdominis is the most superficial abdominal muscle and is a prime mover for lateral flexion.
The transverse abdominis is the deepest abdominal muscle and compresses the abdomen.
The transverse abdominis is the deepest abdominal muscle and compresses the abdomen.
Which Vetebra contains the Dens
C2 = Axis
What does ACL and PCL Stand for
Anterior/Post Cruciate
What is injured more often - ACL or PCL
BONUS 200 Points
What Structure is usually injured with the MCL
Medial Men - due to shared attachment to the MCL
How Many scalenes are there? and what are their names?
3 - Middle / post / ant
The hip joint is also known as :
Iliofemoral joint
Coxofemoral joint
Ischiofemoral joint
Pubofemoral joint
Coxofemoral joint
The physiotherapist tells you that your client has a compression fracture at L2. What does this mean?
The body of the second vertebra in the cervical spine has collapsed.
The body of the second vertebra in the thoracic spine has collapsed.
The body of the second vertebra in the lumbar spine has collapsed.
The transverse process of second vertebra in the lumbar has collapsed.
The body of the second vertebra in the lumbar spine has collapsed.
Which of the following muscles is activated when you try to suck your belly button into your spine?
Quadratus lumborum
Transverse abdominis
Erector Spinae
Gluteus Maximus
Transverse abdominis
A posterior tilt of the pelvis is associated with which of the following changes in the lumbar spine?
The lumbar spine will flex, leading to an increase in the lumbar lordosis (more curved low back)
The lumbar spine will extend, leading to an increase in the lumbar lordosis (more curved low back)
The lumbar spine will flex, leading to a decrease in the lumbar lordosis (less curved low back)
The lumbar spine with extend, leading to a decrease in the lumbar lordosis (less curved low back)
The lumbar spine will flex, leading to a decrease in the lumbar lordosis (less curved low back)
You ask your client to stand on the right leg. You observe the movement of the pelvis from the front. You notice that your client’s pelvis remains fairly level. You can conclude that:
Your client has strong right hip abductors and left trunk lateral benders.
Your client has strong back extensors and hip flexors.
Your client has strong hip extensors and trunk flexors.
Your client has strong right and left hip rotators.
Your client has strong right hip abductors and left trunk lateral benders.