a muscular organ whose function is to generate the force that propels blood through the blood vessels.
The smallest blood vessels are the
The pressure in the aorta is called
arterial blood pressure
The primary site where exchange of nutrients and waste products occurs between blood and tissue
a network of vessels, or ducts, that courses throughout the body and contains lymphatic fluid
lymphatic system
The atria and ventricles on either side of the heart are separated by a wall called the
When blood leaves the heart, it is transported to the body’s organs and tissues in relatively large vessels called
Because arterial blood pressure varies with the cardiac cycle, the maximum pressure that occurs during systole is called
systolic pressure
Blood flow through capillaries is also regulated by smooth muscle that surrounds capillaries on the arteriole end, called
fluid that flows through the lymphatic system
The portion separating the left and right atria is referred to as the
interatrial septum
The smallest arteries branch into still smaller vessels called
the minimum pressure that occurs during diastole is
diastolic pressure
This contraction/relaxation of precapillary sphincters is called
phagocytic cells that filter and remove particles in the lymph and body tissues, including bacteria or other foreign matter
The atrium and ventricle on the left side of the heart constitute the
left heart
The most numerous cells are?
erythrocytes or red blood cells
The blood pressure is recorded as ________ over ___________ ?
systolic pressure (SP)
diastolic pressure (DP)
Certain proteins (referred to as exchangeable proteins) are selectively transported across endothelial cells by a slow, energy-requiring process known
Fluid enters the lymphatic system by way of small, blind-ended ducts called?
lymphatic capillaries
The wider upper pole (end) of the heart is known as the
They are not cells but rather cell fragments that play an important role in blood clotting?
The _______ is caused by a pressure wave that travels along the arteries in response to blood being pushed into the arteries during systole, causing the arterial walls to expand.
Because capillary walls are freely permeable to water and small solutes, fluid can move from blood to interstitial fluid called _______or from interstitial fluid to blood called_______ based on pressure gradients.
ducts through which lymph flows toward the heart
lymphatic veins