Citizen's Duty
Democracy Showdown
The Birthplace of Democracy
Important Places
Government Types

Who were allowed to vote in Ancient Athens?

Only male citizens who were over the age of 18 and had completed their military training were allowed to vote in Ancient Athens.


At what age could citizens vote in Ancient Athens compared to Canada?

In Ancient Athens, male citizens could vote at the age of 18 after completing military training, while in Canada, citizens can vote at the age of 18 without any additional requirements.


Where did democracy originate?

Democracy originated in Ancient Athens.


What was the central public space in ancient Athens where citizens gathered for political, commercial, and social activities?

What is the Agora?


What is a monarchy?

A monarchy is a form of government where a single person, usually a king or queen, rules the country.


Who were the Metics?

Metics were foreign residents in Athens who were not granted full citizenship but were allowed to live and work in the city.


 How did citizen participation in government differ between Ancient Athens and Canada?

 In Ancient Athens, citizens participated directly in decision-making through the Assembly, whereas in Canada, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf in a representative democracy.


What was the main decision-making body in Ancient Athens?

The main decision-making body in Ancient Athens was the Assembly (Ekklesia).


Where did the Athenian Assembly meet to discuss and make decisions on public policy?

What is the Pnyx? (Pnyx Hill)


What is an oligarchy?

An oligarchy is a form of government where a small group of people have control over the country.


Who were the slaves in Ancient Athens?

Slaves in Ancient Athens were individuals who were owned by others and were responsible for various forms of labor, including household chores, skilled labor, and working in mines.


How is representation in government different between Ancient Athens and Canada?

Ancient Athens practiced direct democracy with no elected representatives, while Canada has a representative democracy with elected officials representing the people.


What type of democracy was practiced in Ancient Athens?

Ancient Athens practiced direct democracy.


What was the name of the council house where the Boule, the council of citizens, met to discuss and prepare legislation?

What is the Bouleuterion?


What is a democracy?

A democracy is a form of government where the people have the power to make decisions, either directly or through elected representatives.


What were the responsibilities of women in Ancient Athens?

Women in Ancient Athens were primarily responsible for managing the household, raising children, and weaving textiles. They had limited rights and were not allowed to participate in politics.


How did the concept of equality differ between Ancient Athens and Canada?

In Ancient Athens, only male citizens had political rights, excluding women, slaves, and foreigners, whereas in Canada, all citizens, regardless of gender or background, have equal political rights.


Who were the members of the Assembly in Ancient Athens?

The members of the Assembly were male citizens of Athens who were over the age of 18 and had completed their military training.


What is this location? 

What is Pnyx Hill


What form of government did Ancient Athens have?

Ancient Athens had a direct democracy.


What was the role of the Boule?

The Boule, or Council of 500, was responsible for preparing the agenda for the Assembly and overseeing the execution of its decisions.


How does the structure of government in Ancient Athens compare to that of Canada?

Ancient Athens had a direct democracy with institutions like the Assembly and the Boule, while Canada has a federal parliamentary democracy with a structure that includes the House of Commons, the Senate, and the Prime Minister.


How did the jury system work in Ancient Athens?

The jury system in Ancient Athens involved large juries, often numbering in the hundreds, who were selected by lot and made decisions by majority vote.


What is the Parthenon?

The Parthenon is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patroness.


What form of government does Canada have?

Canada has a federal parliamentary democracy. (Representative Democracy) 
