Location matters
Everything else

Two important factors that limited China’s contact with outsiders

  • They were too far away from other civilizations.

  • Natural Barriers such as mountains, deserts, plateaus, and the oceans surrounding parts of China.

3 philosophies and their founders

Confucius- Confucianism

Lao Tzu- Daoism

Han Feizi- Legalism


How did the Qin dynasty end?

Shi Huang Di's son was a weak emperor and was overthrown.


Explain warring states period

Feudal lords fought one another for power and control over the city-states.


Accomplishments of Shang Dynasty

Create the first form of writing that influenced the Chinese language

People during the Shang dynasty learned how to make tools and other artifacts out of bronze.


How did geography help China’s development?

Fewer wars or invasions 

Had more time to create innovations and sustain their civilization.


Basic principles of all 3 philosophies

honest and respectful relationships

balance the good and the bad, and be in harmony with nature 

need strict rules and harsh punishments


How was the Qin empire established?

The state of Qin defeated the other states during the warring states period and unified China.


Explain the system of meritocracy

Get a job or a position by virtue of merit or showing that you are capable of doing a certain job.



Accomplishment of Qin dynasty

standardized weights and measurements, which helped with trading, standardized the writing system and currency, built roads, canals, and irrigation systems, and invented multiplication tables.


How did geography hinder China’s development?

There would be less trade because the natural barriers prevented merchants from easily coming in and out of China  

It would make it difficult for cultural diffusion and ideas to spread and be exchanged.


Compare Daoism and Legalism by giving 3 details

Freedom for people to choose the right way of life vs strict rules

Accept bad things in life vs strict punishment for wrong behavior

less control in people's lives vs absolute control over people's lives.


        DAILY DOUBLE!!!

Reason for decline of Han dynasty

Corruption and rebellion against the king. The last emperor gave power to the warlord.


Explain bureaucracy

Flow of control/power from the top level to the bottom. The system has many levels in between and they manage people under them.


Inventions of the Zhou Dynasty

  • Bronze and jade carvings, pottery

  • Iron Age (iron containers, weapons)

  •  tools such as the horse collar and plow, etc.

  • Coins

  • Agricultural and civic improvements, such as irrigation systems and new roads and canals 

  • crossbow


Two important rivers and their nicknames. Reasons for nicknames

Huang He/Yellow River/ River of sorrow- Flooding

Yangtze/ Chang Jiyang- Longest river


This philosophy helped in the development of literature, medicine, and art. 



How did the innovations of the Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty help China?

establish trade with Asia and Northeast Africa

improved inventions and technologies mean the Chinese could trade excess food, and well as metalwork and jade carvings

beginnings of the Silk Road, which had a major influence in the later years of the Chinese empires


Why did many generations of ancient Chinese families live together?

Traditional Chinese families regarded living together with extended families and respecting them. The elders were role models for the younger generation.


How did the Han Dynasty contribute to traditional Chinese medicine?

The Han dynasty developed a basic medical system, medical texts were written, Traditional Chinese Medicine was invented which balanced yin and yang in someone, herbal treatment, acupuncture, silk road spread ideas, and some practices still happen.


How did the geographic features of China play a major role in the development of its civilization? 

Chinese expansion was blocked to the west by the Gobi Desert and Himalayas

Chinese expansion to the north was blocked by the nomadic horsemen who lived in Mongolia.

Trade between China and its neighbors relied on difficult overland routes or sea voyages.


How did the 3 philosophies shape the society of ancient China?

Confucianism- Family and social relationships were influenced. Meritocracy developed

Daoism has affected Chinese culture in areas such as medicine, calligraphy, and literature

Legalism- helped create a system of laws and unify the society


Effects of cultural diffusion during the Han dynasty

Chinese culture was diffused to Korea and Japan, in terms of pottery and language in terms of grammar, writing, etc. Buddhism was introduced to China when merchants from China and India came through on the silk road and traded


Explain the path of maritime Silk road

S. China Sea-> Indian Ocean->Red Sea/Persian Gulf-> Mediterranean Sea


Why was the Silk Road significant to China and the rest of the ancient world?

The silk road spread Buddhism, ideas, inventions, religions, and cultures. It made trade flourish, developing a better economy.
