They had priests scratch questions on oracle bones as a way of asking questions of the gods and ancestors
Why did Shang kings have questions scratched on oracle bones?
the belief that the Chinese king’s right to rule came from the gods
what is the Mandate of Heaven?
a person that someone is descended from
what is an Ancestor?
a Chinese philosophy that stressed the importance of laws
what is Legalism?
a Chinese philosophy concerned with obtaining long life and living in harmony with nature
Three major philosophies from early China
What is Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism ?
Filial Piety (define)
What is the responsibility children have to respect, obey, and care for their parents ?
Two rivers of china
what is the Huang (Yellow) River and Chang (Yangtze) River ?
something, such as coins or paper money, that is used as medium of exchange
what is Currency?
The popular trade route that helped the Chinese learn about people, geography, and culture was called what?
what is the Silk Road ?
After the Period of the Warring States, the state came to power
what is the Qin?
a system of beliefs based on the teachings of Confucius
What was the first dynasty in China (backed up with historical findings)?
The word Dao means "path" and is often translated as
what is “the way”?
Merchants were not respected because most people believed merchants were only interested in making money
Why were merchants not respected in ancient China?
Made the Great Wall, Terra Cotta soldiers, highways and unified China
who is Shi Huangdhi?