What are the two great rivers of China?
The Huang He and the Chang Jiang.
What is filial piety?
The respect children owe their parents and ancestors.
What were of the practices the Han emperors introduced?
They lowered taxes.
Tree bark, plant fibers, and old rags.
How did The Silk Roads begin?
The Silk Roads began as a network of local overland routes.
How did the river help unify China?
The river helped unify China by serving as a useful transportation and trade network within its borders.
What did Laozi found?
A belief system called Daoism.
What did the Han rulers replace Legalism with?
They replaced Legalism with Confucianism.
What did the availability of paper allow?
It allowed ideas to spread farther and faster than ever.
How long would the trip over The Silk Roads take?
Six months.
Where do the ranges of the Himalaya, Tian Shan, and Pamir rise?
The Himalaya, Tian Shan, and Pamir all rise in the west.
What was the name of the book his students collected his teachings in?
It was called the Analects.
One month per year to build roads, canals, and irrigation systems.
What is one of China's most valued inventions?
Silk is one of the most valued inventions.
What animal was the ideal pack animals to go through The Silk Roads?
What was the first domesticated crop of China?
Around 8000 B.C., people living in the Northern China Plain began to rice.
What did Confucius' teachings form.
His teachings formed the basis of a belief system known as Confucianism.
Why were all of Lu's relatives executed when she died?
Because she found a way around the restriction of women not being able to rule.
Which dynasty did they invent the compass?
The Han dynasty.
How did The Silk Road get its name?
From a German geographer.
Why is the Yellow River called its name?
Because of its high concentration of yellow silt, or fine, fertile soil.
What does Legalism emphasize?
Legalism emphasizes order through strong government and strictly enforced laws.
What did the peasants live in?
They lived in small mud houses in villages close to their farms.
How did the Chinese cast iron?
The process involves heating iron until it becomes liquid and then pouring it into a mold to solidify into different shapes.
What did they call the groups that they traveled in?
They traveled in groups called caravans.