These are two major rivers that flow through China.
What are the Yangzi and Yellow Rivers?
What are Huang He and Chang Jiang?
This emperor was from the Xia Dynasty. It was said that he created channels to the ocean even though there is no evidence.
Who is Yu the Great?
This is believed to be the first dynasty, although there is no evidence to verify.
What is the Xia Dynasty?
This philosophy believed that all citizens were evil and needed to be controlled.
What is Legalism?
I am the book that contains the teachings of Confucius.
Who is the Analects?
This is a natural barrier to the north that separates China from Mongolia.
What is the Gobi Desert?
He became the most influential teachers in Chinese history with his teachings about family and ethics.
Who is Confucius?
This Dynasty brought Legalism to China. It was in power for only about 15 years.
What is the Qin Dynasty?
The spread of ideas, goods and technology from one culture to another is called this.
What is diffusion?
I was built to keep invaders from attacking China.
Who is the Great Wall of China?
Yellow silt deposited by the Huang He river that helped make fertile soil is also called this.
What is loess?
This person was the first commoner to become emperor of the Han Dynasty in China.
Who is Liu Bang?
This dynasty, that began in Northern China, achievements included the first Chinese writing system.
What is the Shang Dynasty?
The use of the same currency, language and laws under the Qin Dynasty helped to do this to all of China.
What is unified China?
I help predict the future after I crack from the heat.
Who are Oracle Bones?
A major natural barrier to the south of China. One of its peaks is Mt. Everest.
What are the Himalayan Mountains?
The leader of the Qin Dynasty, who's name means "first emperor" and had the terracotta army built to protect his tomb.
Who is Shi Huangdi?
This Dynasty used "land for loyalty" system of government. This resulted in the Warring States period that led to its fall.
What is the Zhou Dynasty?
Another name for family ties.
What is kinship?
I am a person of high rank. (another name for nobel) I was given large plots of land for loyalty.
Who is a lord?
This natural barrier is located between the Himalayas and the Kunlun Shan Mountains. It is a mostly raised piece of land.
What is the Tibetian Plateau?
This is a famous teacher of Daoism.
Who is Laozi?
This Dynasty not only brought an end to Legalism, but invented the use of sundials, acupuncture and seismographs.
What is the Han Dynasty?
Another name for strong moral values
What are ethics?
I am a trade route that goes from China all the way to India and Rome.
Who is the Silk Road?