Describe the word Aristocracy.
Wealthiest ruling class.
Which dynasty used Oracle bones?
The Shang Dynasty
What was traded along the Silk Road?
Silk, spices, teas, etc --> Cultural Diffusion
What were the Analects?
Collection of Confusion's ideas + beliefs.
What were the Taotie masks used of?
They were used to force to ward off evil spirits.
Describe the word Bureaucracy.
Type of government, ran by non-elective officials.
What do we know about the Xia dynasty? Why?
It was approximately 500 years ago. We know little- no records were held.
What rivers did ancient China develop near?
What is the Filial Piety?
Confusion belief in respect for family and one's ancestors.
What were some features of the Taotie masks?
They had a beast-like appearance some features were large eyes, fangs, large nostrils, and horns.
Describe the word Dynasty
Line of rulers from same family.
Describe the characteristics of the Shang Dynasty.
First record Dynasty/records
Organized cities + advanced architecture
Similar spiritual beliefs to Egypt --> mysticism
What were the main crops grown in Ancient China?
Rice and Millet.
Describe the main ideas of Confucianism.
The value of self-improvement and education, respect, Filial Piety. -Confucius
What were some reasons why the Silk Road was dangerous?
There were robbers, bad weather, and illnesses.
Define Bronze Casting.
Process used to create bronze sculpture --> Longer lasting +stronger.
Which dynasty had the Terracotta Army built?
The Qin Dynasty.
What was so unique about the Terracotta Army?
Every statue was not a like.
Describe the main idea of Daoism.
Daoism attempts to set the proper behavior for improving one's life on Earth rather than the afterlife. Focus on nature in reality. -Laozi
What was the Great Wall made out of?
Define Cultural Diffusion
Exchange of belief, ideas, tradition + goods. From one culture to another.
The new emperor gets Mandate from Heaven, times are good in society; Dynasty continues. Major events occur such as Invasion, and natural destruction. Dynasty looses mandate, period of instability.
What was the Great Wall made for?
It was made to keep out invaders (Mongols).
What is the Mandate from Heaven?
The belief that God gave the emperors; got permission from God to rule.
People died making the Great Wall?
True or False