This is why the mandate of heaven was important for a dynasty.

A.  The mandate of heaven allowed dynasties to hold power.

B. Using the mandate of heaven allowed dynasties to rule longer.

C.  The mandate of heaven gave dynasties the right to rule and without it they could not rule.

D.  Only emperors that wanted to be monks claimed the mandate of heaven.

What is C? (The mandate of heaven gave dynasties the right to rule and without it they could not rule.)


This is why the Ancient Chinese believe they were the only civilization.

A.They remained isolated and did not trade with outsiders.

B. They constantly traded along the Silk Road and met many new people.

C. They only interacted with the Japanese and the Indians.

D. They did not have the technology to travel outside their villages.

What is A? (They remained isolated and did not trade with outsiders.)


This statement expresses a Daoist/Taoist idea.

A.  Governments can only keep the peace by threat of force or violence.

B.  People are not always what they seem to be.

C.  People can only achieve peace by allowing and accepting the world and whatever happens in it.

D.  People can only achieve peace by removing suffering from their lives. 

What is C?  (People can only achieve peace by allowing and accepting the world and whatever happens in it.)


As restrictions and prohibitions are multiplied in the Empire, the people grow poorer and poorer. When the people are subjected to overmuch government, the land is thrown into confusion...The greater the number of laws and enactments, the more thieves and robbers there will be. Therefore, the Sage says: "So long as I do nothing, the people will work out their own reformation. So long as I love calm, the people will right themselves. If only I keep from meddling, the people wlll grow rich. If only I am free from desire, the people will come naturally back to simplicity."

The Sayings of Lao-Tzu: Government Courtesy of the Internet Sacred Text Archive

These were Lao-Tzu's views on government.

A. Lao Tzu thought that people were naturally evil and needed many laws to govern their behavior.

B. Lao-Tzu advocated for limited government involvement in people's everyday lives.

C. Lao-Tzu believed that only people from the upper class were fit to govern.

D. Lao-Tzu felt that regulations on trade would lead to more people becoming rich.

What is B? (Lao-Tzu advocated for limited government involvement in people's everyday lives.)


This is the impact that the silk road had on Asian and European countries.

A.  Brought new goods to new lands

B.  Introduced new religions, products, music, food and ideas.

C.   Did not have an impact on any culture.

D.  Impacted technology but nothing else.

What is B? (Introduced new religions, products, music, food and ideas.)


Organize the Ancient Chinese dynasties into chronological order.

A. Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han

B. Zhou, Qin, Han, Shang

C. Qin, Han, Shang, Zhou

D. Han, Shang, Zhou, Qin

What is A? (Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han)


This is NOT a physical feature of China.

A. Gobi Desert

B. The Great Wall of China

C. East China Sea

D. Himalayan Mountain Range

What is B? (The Great Wall of China)


This is the disease believed to have spread along the Silk Road.

A.  Chicken Pox

B.  Polio

C. Bubonic Plague

D. Covid 19

What is C? (Bubonic Plague)


This statement best describes the Silk Road:

A.  A paved highway through central China used by the Ancient Chinese emperors.

B.  A number of trade routes that went between China and Eastern Europe.

C.  A short road covered with silk between the emperor's house and his palace.

D.  An established trade route between India and China.

What is B? (A number of trade routes that went between China and Eastern Europe.)


Legalism: belied that leaders should rule with force

Confucianism: The ruler bears responsibility for the well-being of the people and, therefore, for peace and order in the empire.

Chinese leaders moved from a legalistic government to a government based on Confucianism. 

This is how Confucius transformed the society.

A. Government leaders became more concerned with the condition of China's citizens.

B. Military leaders became more important than educators and priests.

C. Farmers became less dependent on government subsidies and support.

D. Merchants became concerned with the economic issues affecting China's citizens.

What is A? (Government leaders became more concerned with the condition of China's citizens.)


This is the mountain range that forms a natural barrier between India and China?

A. Mount Fuji

B. The Appalachian Mountains

C. Eastern and Western Ghats

D. Himalayan Mountains

What is D? (Himalayan Mountains)


This man-made structure was believed to take 1800 years to complete and it stretched over 13,000 miles.

A.  Mount Everest

B.  The Empire State Building

C.  The Great Wall

D.  The Yellow River

What is C? (The Great Wall)


This is why the Silk Road could be a dangerous journey.

A. The journey could provide one great cultural exchanges.

B. The journey could be littered with disease, theft and death of camels.

C. The journey could be littered with silk, gems, salt and lumber.

D. The journey could provide the exchange of religion.

What is B? (The journey could be littered with disease, theft and death of camels.)


This was a reason that artisans and merchants were at the bottom of the social pyramid. 

A.  Artisans and merchants were viewed as being lazy because their wealth and success came from what others made or grew.

B.  Artisans and merchants were viewed as dishonorable thieves because they stole from peasants and farmers and sold whatever they could steal. 

C.  Artisans and merchants were not as wealthy and successful as the other classes in the social pyramid, so they were not highly respected. 

D.  Artisans and merchants were born into their classes, and therefore didn't have an opportunity to move to another social class to gain honor and respect. 

What is A?  (Artisans and merchants were viewed as being lazy because their wealth and success came from what others made or grew.)


This is what had the most negative impact on the Chinese economy.

A. Silk first appeared in Rome.

B. Silk cloth woven across Asia.

C. Silkworm eggs smuggled out of China.

D. Silkworm farms established in Europe.

What is C? (Silkworm eggs smuggled out of China.)


This is an accurate statement about monsoons in China.

A.  Monsoons bring cold, dry air in the summer.

B.  Monsoons bring heavy rains in the winter.

C.  Monsoons are heavy rains.

D.  Monsoons are strong winds that affect China's weather.

What is D? (Monsoons are strong winds that affect China's weather.)


This river is a major river in China that floods unpredictably and is easily recognized by the silt it deposits. 

A.  Xi Jang

B.  Qin Ling

C.  Huang He

D.  Yahtzee 

What is C? (Huang He)


This is NOT an invention from Ancient China.

A.  The Wheel

B.  Silk

C.  Magnetic Compass

D.  Gunpowder

What is A? (The Wheel)


This is why the Huang He is named China's Sorrow.

A. Floods from the river destroy villages and kill people.

B. The river is so polluted that many people die from drinking the water.

C. After bodies are cremated, ashes are scattered in the river for a religious ceremony.

D. There are frequent droughts along the river.

What is A? (Floods from the river destroy villages and kill people.)


This philosophy of China is when leaders believed that people cannot be trusted to do good things and to keep them from doing evil deeds, they must have strict laws.

A.  Taoism

B.  Confucianism

C. Legalism

D.  Buddhism

What is C?  (Legalism)
