Whazzat Philosophy?
Philosophically Speaking
Grab Bag
What is the word for consecutive rulers over time who come from the same family line?
What was the social system in ancient China that established the roles and rights of landowners and tenants? It also contributed to keeping society stable.
Why were Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism developed by their founders during the same relatively narrow historical period of time (all within a couple of generations of each other)?
All were intended to restore order and stability to China which had fallen into chaos (Warring Sates period). The dangerous times called out for a solution that would bring order and peace.
Try to describe what Confucianism is based upon in a simple phrase.
respect for superiors and responsibility to society's welfare
For what group of people in American history did a lifestyle similar to the teachings of Daoism become popular in our culture? During what decades did this culture flourish? During this period the symbol for yin and yang were often seen on shirts, signs, and in art.
The 1960's and 1970's when "flower power" was popular and people (many of them "hippies") advised each other to "go with the flow". Many of the hippies rejected material possessions and favored a return to nature and simplicity as a path to personal happiness and peace.
Name these dynasties in order: 1) Their rule collapsed and led to the Warring States period. 2) Very short-lived dynasty, ended the Warring States period by defeating many nobles and warlords in battle and unifying inner China, used Legalistic methods to rule China. 3) Consolidated even more of China under their rule, used Confucianist principles to rule (but would sometimes resort to Legalistic methods if necessary)
1) Zhou 2) Qin 3) Han
In feudalism, what group of people were below the king or emperor, but above the peasant farmers?
lords or nobles
Name that philosophy: "Go to bed right now or I'll punish you!"
What are the five basic interpersonal relationships described by Confucius as the foundation for a harmonious society?
ruler/subject; father/son (or parent/child); older sibling/younger sibling; husband/wife; friend/friend
What advice did Hanfeizi give to rulers on how to rule?
Be strong, don't trust anybody (not even family), rule with an iron fist backed by a strong military. Subjects need to be controlled. If your neighbor is weak, attack. If your neighbor is strong, pretend to be their friend (until you are stronger).
True or false? Daoism's founder, Laozi, lived about the same time as Confucius.
True. Laozi lived around the same time as Confucius, approximately 500 B.C.E. Hanfeizi, the founder of Legalism, lived about 250 years later, approximately 250 B.C.E.
What service or responsibility did lords owe to their peasant farmers under feudalism?
protection if attacked by outsiders, land to farm/live on, allowed the peasants to keep much of their food/welath to live off of
Name that philosophy: "Suffering is the result of craving things you want but don't have."
What reforms to government did Confucius argue for?
He wanted the civil service to be a meritocracy (hiring for government jobs should be based on ability, knowledge and honesty, not who you know or a bribe).
If you had to describe Legalism in two words, what might they be?
punishments and rewards
What was one way that the Zhou dynasty was able to hold onto power and keep China united under its rule for several hundred years?
Zhou rulers claimed the "Mandate of Heaven", thus using "divine authority" to rule and hold on to power.
What service or responsibility did lords owe to their king or emperor?
tribute (farm products and/or tax money), and soldiers for the king's army
Name that philosophy: "Chillax. Go with the flow."
What collection of writings (maybe written by Laozi, but probably collected from the writings of many others) explain the teachings of Daoism?
Dao De Jing (The Classic of the Way and its Powers)
Which philosophy valued education and academic scholarship as an important piece of an orderly society?
If you claim the Mandate of Heaven, whose approval are you claiming?
What was China like toward the end of the Zhou dynasty and at the beginning of the brief Qin dynasty that followed?
fighting between warlords, it was the "Warring States" period
Name that philosophy: "As king, I must protect and care for my subjects while setting a good example for them."
What two words are used to describe the opposing and balancing forces seen repeatedly in nature?
yin and yang
What philosophy wanted to preserve historical cultural rituals and formal ceremonies?
Confucianism advocated for the maintenance of rituals and ceremonies as part of their respect for elders, ancestors and their traditions. They thought such respect and practices provided stability and continuity to society.