Ancient Greece/Rome
Ancient China/India
Ancient Americas

The area that was Mespotamia is now known today as the "Middle _____"

What is Middle East?


This Greek God thunder bringer is known for control of thunder, lightning, and being one of the big three.

Who is Zeus?


This is perhaps the most famous ancient landmark in all of China, and surrounds much of the country's border today.

What is the Great Wall?


This famous Llama-themed Disney Movie is based on an Incan tale in which an emperor receive's new clothes.

What is "The Emperor's New Groove?"


This naturally occurring water feature has groups follow or settle along it as a reliable source of food, water, and travel.

What is a River? 


This round object invented in Sumer, has helped set the stage for cars, carriages, bikes, and more as humanity continues to roll on.

What is the Wheel?


This famous city is known for taking in a wooden horse, and is conveniently the namesake of our school's mascot.

What is "Troy."


This modern day country is famous in the Midwest for a chain known as Huhot, a "______ Grill" which features an all you can eat buffet and a place to watch chefs prepare your chosen dishes.

What is "Mongolia/Mongolian?"

This Ancient American civilization is famous for its alleged "end of the world" prediction based on the end of its calendar.

What is Mayan?


This invention of this practice allowed people to control the growth of their own food, by cultivating the land. Though much of this practice has changed, it remains the primary way in which countries and states feed themselves. 

What is "Agriculture/Farming?"


This animal is believed to have been tamed during the time of these empires, and allowed for much faster travel.

What are "horses?"


This famous Emperor was the first of the Roman republic, is known for being perhaps the greatest emperor of all time, and has a pizza chain in the United States named after him. 

Who is Julius Caesar?

This man is believed to be the ancestor of 0.5% of the world's population as of 2008, and is known for his merciless approach to his enemies and conquest. 

Who is "Genghis Khan?"


Which modern day city is built on Tenochtitlán, the previous capital of the Aztec Empire?

What is "Mexico City?"


This animal is believed to have been tamed during this period, and would come to be known in English as "Man's Best Friend."

What are "Dogs/Wolves?"


This famous epic is known to many as the first hero story, and follows a famous demigod seeking to conquer death once and for all.

What is the "Epic of Gilgamesh?"


This famous Macedonian is known for never having lost a single battle, and for successfully bringing the Greek empire as far east as India. 

Who is "Alexander the Great?"


This famous book, written by Sun Tzu, is used today by generals and military leaders around the world to help assure military victory.

What is "The Art of War?"


Which European empire is known for conquering and colonizing much of Central and South America?

What is "Spain/Portugal?"


This off-shoot of human evolution existed in the same time as modern day humans, and their DNA has been found in modern day humans. 

What are "Neanderthals?"


This group of people is known for having obliterated major civilizations in the Mediterranean, and was nearly the cause of Egypt's demise as well.

Who are "The Sea People?"


This was the official language of the Roman Empire, and speaking the language was a core requirement of citizenship.

What is "Latin?"


This first written language is still spoken nearly 5,000 years by religious leaders in India.

What is "Sanskrit?"


This famous world hertiage site is located in the mountains of Peru, and is home to Incan Ruins. 

What is Machu Picchu? 


The last of this species is believed to have died during the same time period as the construction of the pyramids. 

What are "(Wooly) Mammoths?"
