Short Answer

Kings of Egypt

What are Pharaohs?


What are the 3 natural barriers that protected Egypt 

1. Deserts: Sahara Desert and Libyan Desert

2. Red Sea

3. Mediterranean Sea


An ancient religion of Egypt  is KA

What is True?


Why did they build the pyramids? and what did they put in them 

The pyramids were built as burial places and monuments to the Pharaohs. As part of their religion, the Egyptians believed that the Pharaoh needed certain things to succeed in the afterlife. Deep inside the pyramid, the Pharaoh would be buried with all sorts of items and treasure that he may need to survive in the afterlife.


The King who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt

Who is Ahmose


Because________did not become scribes or work in the government, they did not learn how to read or write. They were taught homemaking skills and how to manage a household by their mother.


______in Ancient Egypt got married very young. Usually around the age of twelve or thirteen. The Egyptians did not have big marriage ceremonies and most marriages were arranged by the two families.

Who is GIRLS/Women


the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. It combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a total of some 1,000 distinct characters

What is Hieroglyphic


This ruler united Upper and Lower Egypt

Who is Narmer or Menes


The _____________-was a great burial ground for the Pharaohs. After around 1500 B.C. the Pharaohs no longer built great pyramids in which to be buried. Instead, most of them were buried in tombs in ________________.

What is The Valley of the Kings


Much of the artwork created by the Ancient Egyptians had to do with their _______.

What is religion 


The female ruler who expanded Egypt's empire

Who is Hatshepsut?


Egyptian Sun god

Who is Re


Government officials called ______ were appointed by the pharaoh and carried out his orders

What are bureaucrats


The deserts benefited the Egyptians by

What is kept them isolated?


True or False 

In the Egyptian religion, the body was needed in order for the soul or "ba" of the person to unite with the "ka" of the person in the afterlife. The body was an important part of the afterlife and they wanted to preserve it forever

What is True?


The ______ conquered Egypt during a 100 year time period

What is Hyksos 


Expanded Egypt's empire by capturing nearly 350 cities. He was is the 18th Dynasty 

Who is Thutmose III. 


The continent Egypt is located on

What is Africa


A succession of rulers of the same family line of descendants 

What is dynasty


Along what River is Egypt located

What is the Nile River


King Tut tried to start a new religion based on the deity, Aton

What is False?


How did they embalm the mummies?

The Egyptians went through an elaborate process to

preserve the body and keep it from decaying. It's a little gross, so we won't go into too much of the gory details. The main thing they did was try to get all the water and moisture out of the body. It's water that causes much of the decay.

The Egyptians started out by covering the body with a salty crystal substance called natron. The natron would help to dry out the body. They would also take out some of the organs. With the body covered and stuffed with natron, they would let the body dry out for around 40 days. Once it was dry, they would use lotions on the skin to preserve it, reinforce the empty body with packing, and then cover the body in wraps of linen. They would use many layers of strips of linen wrapping, covering the entire body. Resin was used to glue the layers of wrap together. The total process could take up to 40 days.

Once the body was all wrapped up, it was covered in a sheet called a shroud and placed in a stone coffin called a sarcophagus.


This king died at a young age and is most famous because his pyramid was recovered with his mummy inside. He a pharaoh at 9 yrs old. 

Who is King Tut?


The Egyptians didn't build roads to travel around their empire. They didn't need to. Nature had already built them a superhighway right through the middle of their empire called the Nile River.

Most of the major cities in Ancient Egypt were One of the Early Egyptians inventions was ______. They learned to make ____ out of the papyrus plant. Egyptians used ______to travel.

They became experts at building ________and navigating the river.

What are Boats


Archarchelogist have found this artifact which was used to write on in Egypt. It is made from a reed/plant.

What is Papyrus?


The Nile was important to Egyptians because

What is it supplied Egyptians with water for drinking, washing, watering crops, and rich soil for farming.


The most famous tomb in the Valley of the Kings is that of the Pharaoh __________. It was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter and had been largely untouched by thieves and vandals.

King Tut


THis is the 

What is the Great Sphinx of Giza


 Amenhotep IV also was known as Akhenaten importance to Egyptian history because 

What is he tried to start a new religion based on the worship of one deity


The Egyptians needed a good understanding of ___________and geometry to build the pyramids and other large buildings. They also used ______and numbers to keep track of business transactions.

What is Mathematics 


In a(n) ______, the ruler is both a political and religious leader

What is Theocracy?


The Nile River's flooding produces _______that acted as a nutrient for ______________


farm lands


Egyptians built pyramids to honor their Pharaohs

What is True


List the reasons Egyptians build Pyramids to honor their pharaohs

What are they wanted to protect the pharaoh's bodies from floods, wild animals, and robbers? Get the closer to the GODS


______the Egyptian army against several enemies including the Hittites, Syrians, Libyans, and Nubians. He expanded the Egyptian empire and secured its borders against attackers.

At the age of fifteen, Ramses was the Prince of Egypt and at 22 he led military battles

Who is Ramses II


The ________ is a series of writings that the Ancient Egyptians believed helped them in the afterlife. It isn't one giant book but is more of a bunch of individual chapters.

What is The Book of the Dead
