The Pharaoh
A god in human form, decided laws, taxes, foreign policy, controlled the armies.
What is a canopic jar?
A jar that was used to hold the dried out organs of a mummy before proceeding to the afterlife.
Name 3 Gods or Goddesses.
Isis, Osiris, Seth, Hathor, Ammit, etc.
Who was Ramesses II?
The second longest reigning monarch in Egypt, fought lots of battles and build various temples.
Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan.
Second in command, helped govern and advise on policy.
What is mummification?
The process of preparing a dead body for burial.
Who is Isis?
The wife of Osiris, the god of the afterlife, and the mother of Horus, the god of the sun.
Who was Cleopatra?
Queen of the Kingdom of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC, and its last active ruler.
What are the two Nile Rivers?
Blue & White
Cleaned the temples, prayed to the shrines in the temples and brought offerings to the gods.
Name the organs that were removed from the body during mummification.
Brain, heart, intestines, liver, lungs and stomach.
Who is Osiris?
Judge of the afterlife, murdered by his brother Seth.
What is Abu Simbel?
A historic site built by Ramesses II to commemorate him after his death.
Name 3 cities in Egypt.
Thebes, Cairo, Giza, etc.
Fought the wars in the infantry, cavalry and chariotry.
What is a mummy stored in?
Who is Ammit?
Ancient Egyptian goddess or demoness who devoured the souls of the deceased
Why did Rome want to conquer Egypt?
Agriculture, architectural projects, fertile soil, glass, papyrus, trade.
Name 4 reasons the Nile is important.
Agriculture, security, transport, religion.
Created and traded various objects at markets.
Describe the steps of the mummification process.
Briefly: the body is washed and prayed for, organs are removed, and the body is dried out and wrapped in linen and resin. The body is wrapped with sacred objects and placed inside a sarcophagus.
What is the weighing of the Heart Ceremony?
A ceremony where someone's heart is weighed against the feather of justice. If it is lighter, you proceed to the afterlife.
A battle fought between Egypt and Rome that resulted in Rome conquering Egypt.
What are the 3 seasons in Egypt.
Akhet, Peret, Shemu