What Kingdom am I in?

What was name of the river that was known as a “gift” to the Egyptian people?

The Nile River


Who was the first pharaoh of Ancient Egypt and what dynasty was he in?


1st Dynasty 


 I am in the kingdom where trade flourished under Hatshepsut. 

 New Kingdom


 What type of religion did Ancient Egyptians believe in? What does this mean?    

 Polytheism: the belief in more than one God


 Scribes were people who had what two skills?     

Read and Write 


Which teacher on Team 4 has Mr. Laufer worked with the longest amount of time? 

Ms. Chaney 


 What are three reasons Queen Hatshepsut is studied?

Expanded trade throughout the Mediterranean, architecture/art, and dressing like a male pharaoh (first female pharaoh)


I am in a Kingdom that began to develop the political system of Egypt. 

Old Kingdom


 Where were Gods and Goddesses worshiped in Ancient Egypt? 



 What was a sphinx? What was its purpose? 

Who created it? 

 An imaginary creature that had the body of a lion and the head of a human who guarded the Great Pyramids Khafre


How was Egypt originally split? Explain the reason why they were split that way? 

What was eventually worn to show the unification of these two places? 

 Upper (Southern) and Lower Egypt (Northern); based on the flow of the Nile going from South to North

Red and White Double Crown 


What was the Pharaoh considered to be in Egypt? Why was this both good and bad? 

Pharaohs were considered to be Gods; Good because they had supreme rule over all of Egypt and were usually never questioned; Bad: Blamed for droughts, food shortage, disasters, etc.



What are the names of Mr. Laufer's two children? 

Jordan and Lea 


 What was the reasoning behind mummifying a body? (2 reasons)

Preserve the body 

Allow the Ka to find the body 


What are 3 MAIN reasons King Tut is the most known Egyptian Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt?

The mystery behind is death at a young age, being “the boy pharaoh”, and his tomb


 What is the most fertile land in Ancient Egypt and where is it located? Why is the most fertile part?

Nile River Delta located in Lower Egypt; The river split allowing the land around it to become more fertile.


Where are pharaohs buried? Why are they buried in this way? Explain this process? What was the burial place like and why? Must answer all parts of the question

 Pharaohs were buried in tombs as mummies

Pharaohs are mummified to preserve the body so the Ka can find it again

The body is cleaned with oils, organs are removed except the heart (brain through the nose), dried with salt, wrapped in linen/stuffed, placed in sarcophagus/death mask in decorated tomb 

Tomb was decorated and filled with items needed for the after life and entertainment 


 I am in a kingdom that fell into disorder when groups such as the Hyksos tried to invade Egypt. 

  Middle Kingdom


 Who was the God of embalming? What were two responsibilities of this God? 

 Anubis; Watch over the embalming process and guide the spirit to the underworld


 What 3 languages was the Rosetta Stone written in? Why is this important? 

What else was a place Egyptians would write besides on tomb and temple  walls? (Need to answer entire questions)        Explain what this is.

 Hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Greek; Allowed us to translate and understand Hieroglyphics;

 Also written on papyrus; paper made from reeds along the Nile 


What were 4 natural reasons Egypt was very well protected from outside intruders? (Must be specific) 

Cataracts of the Nile River made it hard to navigate 

Surrounded by rough deserts to the West and East of the Nile River

Had the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea as natural water barriers 


Who was the pharaoh who took back control of Egypt starting the New Kingdom? How did he regain complete power?

Which Pharaoh is known for defeating the Egyptians and the Greeks creating a large Persian Empire later on during the time of Ancient Egypt? 

Ahmose I



 I am in a kingdom where Egypt was officially considered to turn into an Empire. What is an empire?

 Land with different territories under a single rule (Egypt expands into parts of Kush empire (Asia minor Hyksos)


 What did Akhenaten want to change about Egypt? What did he want Egyptians to believe in? Be specific! Did this change last?

Akhenaten wanted to change from polytheism to monotheism. He wanted all Egyptians to believe in Aten as the only God in Egypt. This did not last as they changed back to polytheism.


 What is engineering and what does this have to do with Ancient Egypt? 

The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes; for example pyramids and other architectural features
