Who was Egypts first Pharaoh?
Khufu or Menes
How did Egyptian civilization develop?
Villages replaced towns OR Farms grew into villages and then cities?
Farms grew into villages and then cities
How was Egypt able to build pyramids and temples?
The Pharaoh paid for it or they collected taxes from the people
they collected taxes from the people
Which of the following did not cause social classes to appear during the Old Kingdom?
Need for government officials OR Sumerian influences?
Sumerian influences?
What demonstrates that Egypt and Kush lived at peace at times?
They battled Aksum together or they traded with each other.
they traded with each other.
Who was the pharaoh that was best known for the monuments built to him?
Khufu or Menes
The southern part of ancient Egypt was called
Upper Egypt or lower Egypt
Upper Egypt
Why were pyramids filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures?
The tombs were the private storage rooms of the pharaoh OR Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife
Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife
What was the effect of Egypt's conquest of Kush in 1500 BC?
Egyptian culture became more like Kushite culture OR Kushite culture became more like Egyptian culture.
Kushite culture became more like Egyptian culture
By the AD 300s, Kush was at the height of its power?
True or False
Who was the leader of the Aksumite army that invaded Kish in AD 350?
Pianki or King Ezana
King Ezana
The political order of Egypt around 3200 BC was based on
merchants who helped build trade routes OR wealthy farmers who emerged as leaders
wealthy farmers who emerged as leaders
The Egyptians began to build pyramids around
the Old Kingdom OR the Middle Kingdom
Old Kingdom
What helped historians understand hieroglyphics?
Rosetta Stone OR Temple of Karnak
Rosetta Stone
Shabaka OR Kashta
Who was the first woman to rule Kush?
Queen Shanakhdakheto or Queen Hatshepsut
Queen Shanakhdakheto
What factor contributed most to the growth of trade in the New Kingdom?
Egypt's conquest of distant lands OR Egypt's creation of armies
Egypt's conquest of distant lands
The Egyptians built pyramids for all people who died?
True or False
What is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
Trade networks or engineering
What was the language that Kushites developed and wrote called?
Hieroglyphics or Meroitic
Who began the Middle Kingdom around 2050 BC?
Ahmose of Thebes or Mentuhotep II
Mentuhotep II
By the 1400s BC, Egypt was the leading military power. Based on this fact, what conclusion can you make about Egypt's resources?
It was a rich country OR It was a poor country
It was a rich country
The Egyptians believed that temples were the homes of the gods.
True or false
What is a tall four sided pillar that is pointed on top?
Papyrus or Obelisk?
How did Kushites begin to learn about other cultures?
Kushite merchants traded with people from other cultures or farmers went to other lands to study farming techniques.
Kushite merchants traded with people from other cultures