Ruler in ancient Egypt, worshipped like a god.
The first system of writing developed by Mesopotamians.
what does G stand for and give an example of it in mesopotamia
Fertile Crescent, growing crops
G stands for and example of it in Egypt
Geography: The Nile River, rich soil
Cleopatra and important fact
one of the few females to become a Pharoh and knew over 7 languages.
Farming and growing crops.
Many beliefs in different gods
R stand for and example in mesopotamia
Religion: polytheistic, ziggurats
R stands for and example of it in Egypt
Religion: Polytheistic, Mummies/Mummification
King Tut and a important fact
His tomb was discovered.
Humans using/brining /storing water to help with agriculture.
Code of Hammurabi
Laws that kept citizens under control.
a stand for and example in mesopotamia
Achievements: Cuneiform, Epic of Gilgamesh, The wheel
A stands for and example of it in Egypt
Achievements: Pyramids, Hieroglyphics
Nefertiti & Akhenaton and important fact
mysterious figure in egypt history, ceased to exist in the public record with no mentions of her made.
Government based around a specific religion. The leader is both a political and religious figure.
Religious practice for after life to preserve the body.
P stand for and example in mesopotamia
Politics: Hammurabi, Code of Hammurabi
P stands for and example of it in Egypt
Politics: Monarchy/Bureaucracy, Pharoh
Hatshepsut and important fact
presented herself as a king to make her rule official.
Large, stepped platforms with temples at the top honoring gods.
Fertile Crescent
Religion of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers with fertile soil.
law about morality, ethics, and keeping society in order.
E stand for and example in mesopotamia
S stand for and example in mesopotamia
Economics: shekels, trading
Social Structure: Ruler, high priest, noble's merchants, scribers, etc.
E stands for and example of it in Egypt
S stands for and example of it in Egypt
Economics: Trading, Gold from Nubia
ยท Social Structure: Pharoh, farmers, Servants, slaves
Ahmose I and important fact
Uniting lower and upper egypt