The Lifeline of the Nile
Life in Egypt
Nubia and Egypt
Grab Bag
Is a preserved Egyptian body
What is a mummy
The Nile brought water to an area that was surrounded by deserts. By irrigating the land, the Nile helped agriculture thrive in Egypt.
Why was the Nile River Valley important to the development of civilization in Egypt
Was the the first king to wear the double crown
Who is King Menes, King Scorpion, or King Narmer
Why did the Egyptians want granite blocks from Nubia's northern region
What is to build their temples
Is a triangular shaped area of soil at the mouth of a river that looks like fingers
What is a delta
Is a stone building used to house the dead
What is a pyramid
The Nile River is the ______________ in the world
What is the longest
Was the discovery that led to the eventual decoding of hieroglyphics. How did this discovery help decode the writing?
What is the discovery of the Rosetta Stone; archaelolgists could compare the hieroglyphs to Greek words found on the stone
Was the Nubian written language. Named after the capital city of Meroe. It has yet to be decoded.
What is Meroitic
This is a mixture of soil and small rocks
What is silt
Is a waterfall. There are six of these that are located in the Nubian borders of the Nile
What is a cataract
If the Nile flooded to much, people would die and crops would be destroyed. If it did not flood enough, crops would not grow
Why did the Egyptians consider the Nile a taker of life
Was one of the most powerful rulers in Egypt
Who is Hatshepsut
The Nile in Nubia was surrounded by tall granite cliffs
What is... How was the geography of Nubia different from Egypt
Is the dry desert land not far from the banks of the Nile
What is red land
Is the Egyptian picture writing in which pictures stand for words or sounds
What is hieroglyphics
Explain what solutions the Egyptians came up with to deal with the flooding of the Nile
What is the Egyptians created canals and devised a calendar to predict floods
What did thousands of Egyptian farmers do while the Nile was flooding their fields
What is they helped build the Great Pyramid
Why did Egypt invade Nubia
What is Egypt had to trade for goods it needed. If Egypt ruled Nubia it could have the goods without having to give up anything
Would a map that shows your school and the steets within two blocks of the school have a relatively small scale or a relatively large scale
What is a relatively large scale
Was the pharaoh for whom the Great Pyramid was built
Who is Khufu
Describe what made the Nile River an important resource to people living near it
What is the Nile provided water for crops and people. It provided a means of transportation. Crops provided food and paper
Describe the steps in the mummification process
What is all organs except for the heart were removed from the body. The body was rubbed with oils and perfumes. Then the body was wrapped in linen bandages
Describe the events that led to the decline of the Egyptian civilization
What is the Egyptians controlled northern Nubia first, when the Hyksos came into power Nubia gained its independence, then the Egyptian power grew weak
When is a small scale map is more useful
What is when you need to see around Egypt or the major cities in Egypt