I am the sun god who travels across the sky in a boat.
Who is Ra?
This god lost his eye while fighting his uncle, Seth.
Who is Horus?
Anubis is associated with this animal.
What is a jackal?
This god is known as the god of the sun.
Who is Ra?
Ancient Egyptians believed Ra traveled across the sky in this kind of vehicle.
What is a boat?
I am the falcon-headed god who protects Egypt.
Who is Horus?
Isis used her magic to bring this god back to life.
Who is Osiris?
Sobek is linked to this powerful reptile.
What is a crocodile?
Hathor is the goddess of these two joyful things.
What are love, music or dance?
Hathor is sometimes shown with these animal horns.
What are cow horns?
I am the god of the underworld and ruler of the dead.
Who is Osiris?
Anubis weighed a person’s heart against this object in the afterlife.
What is a feather?
Thoth is often shown with the head of this bird.
What is an ibis?
This god is in charge of writing and wisdom.
Who is Thoth?
Anubis’s job was to prepare bodies for this process.
What is mummification?
I am the goddess of magic and a loving mother.
Who is Isis?
Ra travels through this dangerous place at night.
What is the underworld?
Bastet is often depicted as this type of pet.
What is a cat?
Isis is famous for her ability to do this.
What is magic or healing?
The name of the underworld in Egyptian mythology.
What is Duat?
I am the god of chaos and storms.
Who is Seth?
Seth betrayed Osiris by doing this.
What is trapping him in a coffin?
The eye of Horus is a symbol of this.
What is protection or sunlight?
Sobek controls this important Egyptian river.
What is the Nile?
This god is known for balancing the world and keeping order.
Who is Thoth?