what were the Great Pyramids of Giza built out of?
what is limestone
how tall is the sphinx?
what is 66 feet tall
is a unique example of a early pyramid
the Bent pyramid
do the color of the mudbrick core revealed by the missing covering______
name for the rusty_____ color
who planned to build the great pyramids?
what is king Khufu
how much does the sphinx weigh?
what is 20,000 pounds
he was built under the Old Kingdom of ...
it was snefru
the black pyramid is___ feet tall
246 feet tall or 75 meters tall
it was built out of red _____
how many main pyramids are in the Giza Complex
three main pyramids
a mythical creature with the head of a human body of the lion and the wings of an eagle
what is the sphinx
it was the second of the four pyramids built by...
the Black Pyramid was built by
King Amenemhet III
It is the red pyramid 1st, 2nd or the 3rd pyramid
the 3rd pyramid
which way do the great pyramids of giza point precisely to?
what is very precisely to the north
what is the meaning behind the sphinx?
what is royalty and sacred status
it is located off of the west bank of the...
river Nile
it is one of the five remaining pyramids of the 11 original pyramids
at dahshur
is the largest of the pyramids located at the the Dasher necropolis
In Cairo egypt
the biggest pyramid in the Giza Complex?
it is khafre
the sphinx standing twice the height of a...
average man
the Bent pyramid
what is it was the second of four pyramids built by snefru
the boat the black pyramid was the first intended to house both the deceased
king and his queens
the red pyramid is also called_____
the north pyramid