What materials were used to build the Great Pyramids?
a) Wood
b) Stones
b) Stones
These individuals made up the bottom of the social class system in Ancient Egypt. They helped build the pyramids.
the worship of many God's is called ___________ .
The Nile River's "flooding season" happened every year during which months?
a) June to September
b) October to December
c) January to March
d) April to May
Ancient Egyptian's used this tool to write (name for a writing utensil)
Secret Chambers within a Pyramid where mummified Pharaohs were kept.
They were responsible for growing food for all the people of ancient Egypt.
The worship of one God is called ________ .
A farming technique that used the Nile's annual flooding to water crops.
A reed-like plant that grew along the Nile River that was pressed into paper.
True or False: The Great Pyramid of Giza is considered the largest of all the pyramids and is one of the "Seven Wonders" of the ancient world.
They were the men or women who were the rulers of Ancient Egypt.
This Pharaoh was the youngest ever as he became ruler of Egypt at 9 years old.
King Tutankhamun aka "King Tut"
Name one reason why the Nile River was so important for the people of Ancient Egypt.
The Nile helped provide the people of Egypt: 1) Food (water helped grow crops), 2) Fresh Water (to drink and bathe) and 3) Transportation!
The Egyptian's used symbols called ________. (the written form of Egyptian language)
How many years did take to build the Great Pyramid?
a) 5 years
b) 10 years
c) 20 years
d) 50 years
c) 20 Years
They recorded all tax records and all events that took place in Egypt.
A woman Pharaoh who was referenced in the Egypt Games book we are currently reading.
Nutrient rich mud that helped fertilize farms is called...
To trade goods or services without the exchange of money.
This structure has the head of a human but has the body of a lion.
The Sphinx
The Pharaohs Chief advisor that oversaw all administration.
1) A process used to preserve a Pharaoh's body after they die is called _________.
2) A decorated coffin for a Pharaoh is called a _________.
Answer 1: mummification
Answer 2: Sarcophagus
False! The Nile River Flows from South to North.
Name one form of transportation in Ancient Egypt.
Boat (on the Nile River), Camels, Chariots (if you were wealthy)