This river ran through ancient Egypt and was a major component of life in the Empire.
What is the Nile?
This was the name of the stone box that a coffin was put into.
What is a sarcophagus?
This person was thought of as a God and was the leader of Egypt.
Who is the Pharoah?
The pyramids were able to be built because the Pharaoh was seen as this, making any project worth completing in their name.
What is a God?
This Empire was the first foreign power to control Egypt.
Who were the Persians?
The Egyptians relied on annual ones of these to make sure their crops received enough water.
What are floods?
These were the items that the Pharaohs organs were placed into after being dried.
What are canopic jars?
This person was a lawyer and carried out the day to functions of the Egyptian Empire.
Who is the vizier?
The Ancient Egyptians worshipped multiple Gods meaning they were this word.
What is polytheistic?
This man, and his Macedonian Empire, was the second foreign power to control Egypt.
Who was Alexander the Great?
The Egyptian crown was made up of this many crowns, used to signify unification of kingdoms.
What is 2?
This mineral, found in the bottom of dried sea beds, was used to dry bodies before being mummified
What is natron?
These people were unpaid workers who were usually owned by the Pharaoh.
Who are slaves?
This chamber of the pyramid, in spite of its name, was mainly used for religious purposes.
What is the Queen's Chamber?
This man was the last of the actual Egyptian pharaohs.
Who is Ramses II?
What is South?
This substance, made from the saps and oils of various trees, was used to seal each layer of the mummy.
What is resin?
These group of people were known for making items to be sold throughout Egypt.
What are craftsmen?
In Egyptian mythology, which person cut up Osiris and spread his body parts across Egypt?
Who is Set?
The Persian army used these animals to stop Egyptian attacks during the Battle of Pelusium.
What are cats?
These were the two colors that represented Upper and Lower Egypt on the Egyptian crown
What are red and white?
These items were added to the body to guide the soul in the afterlife
What are amulets?
This group of people had political power due to their task of recording and writing down all events that took place throughout
Who were scribes?
What is 138?
This Roman leader defeated Cleopatra and Marc Antony in the Battle of Actium.
Who is Octavian?