who was in the Peloponnese war
Triple Jeopardy
what were Athens and Sparta
what does monos mean
what is one
what did Athens value over all else
what is education
what is Greece terrain like
what is mountainous
what type of government did Athens have
what is a democracy
why did the Persian war start
what was a rebellion in Ionia
what does oligarchy mean
Double Jeopardy!
what is few to rule
what was the spartan main focus
What is military power
what are Greece 3 surounding seas
what are the Aegean, Ionian, Mediterranean seas
what government did Sparta have
what is a oligarchy
when was the delain league created
What is after winning the Persian war
what is a acropolis
what is the elevated city
What god did the Athenians worship
what is athena
why did greece make terraces
to make more farmland
how did a tyrant take power
what is an uprising
Who conquered the Mycenaean tribe
what were the Dorian
what is the spartan training camp
what is the Agoge
what did the acropolis house on top of its hill
what is the local temple
where were the Minoans and Mycenaeans located
what is crete
what type of democracy did Athens have
Double jeopardy!
what is a deliberative democracy
who led the Peloponnese league
what was Sparta
what government means illegitimate ruler
What is a tyranny
what was the civilization that made frescoes
Double Jeopardy!
what were the Minoans
where is Knossos located
what is the island of Crete
what are the 4 ancient Greek governments
what are tyranny,oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy