The language tool created by the Phoenicians
What is the Alphabet.
The man who founded the Persian Empire.
Who is Cyrus the Great?
The group of Greek colonies that rebelled against Persia and brought the Persians and Greeks into conflict.
Who are the Ionians?
The man who created the Army Alexander inherited.
Who is Phillip of Macedon?
Greece was divided into many different __________.
What are city states?
A group of former Sea peoples who settled in the Levant before the Israelites.
Who are the Philistines?
The Civilizations that were united to form the Persian Empire.
What are the Meads, Persians, and Babylonians?
The main battle of the First Persian War.
What is the battle of Marathon?
The two events that convinced Alexander he was going to conquer Asia.
What is the cutting of the Gordian knot and the Oracles of Egypt telling him he was Zeus's son?
The type of government ancient Greece is famous for developing.
What is Democracy?
The group of people who conquered the Philistines.
Who are the Israelites?
A somewhat independent part of the Persian Empire.
What is a Satrapy?
The Athenian soldier who carried news of Athens victory back to Athens after Marathon.
Who is Philippides?
The farthest East Alexander took his army.
What is India?
The name for Greek soldiers based on the shields that they used.
What is a Hoplite?
The definition of the word Neo.
What is new?
The method Darius I used to unite the Persian Empire.
What is a common system of measurements and money.
Leonidas and his 300 Spartans died at this battle.
What is the Battle of Thermopile?
The reason Alexander had no doctors to treat the illness he died of.
What is he killed all the doctors after the death of his best friend?
The method of kicking people out of Athens for 10 years on the penalty of death.
What is Ostracism?
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
The innovation that allowed messages to spread quickly across the Persian Empire.
What is the Royal Road.
The sea battle that destroyed most of the Persia Navy and left the Persian army without supplies?
What is Salamis?
The long-term impacts of Alexanders Empire.
What is the spread of Greek culture or Hellenization?
The 3 most famous Philosophers from Ancient Athens.
Who are Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?