Type of religion practiced in Greece
Who won the war between Athens and Sparta
Why did City-States develop instead of one Greek country?
mountains and islands made travel and communication difficult
The Ancient Greeks invented this "study of knowledge"- famous people from this field include: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
What is philosophy
Government by the people, where representatives are chosen via elections
What were most young boys likely to be doing in Sparta?
What is joining the military/training
The first Greek civilizations began on this island
Comedy and Drama were two types of this, which were popularized in Athens
What is the war between Athens and Sparta?
Peloponnesian War
A type of government where a few wealthy people have control
What is an Oligarchy
Who is credited with writing the Iliad and Odyssey?
Name one way which the lives of Spartan women differed from Athenian women
What is ability to own property What is freedom to travel What is ability to conduct business, Go to school
The city of Alexandria, Egypt, created by Alexander the Great was most famous for having this:
World's Largest Library
Government where one man is in control, generally in times of war or after seizing power
Types of Philosophers who believed in the art of persuasion, who were disliked by Socrates as he believed in absolute truth
What are the leagues formed within Greece after the Persian War? and who was controlled them?
Athens: Delian
Sparta: Peloponnesian
Alexander the Great's empire stretched to this empire/country
Military formation used in Greece and perfected by Philip II and Alexander the Great