A large group of buildings atop a hill.
What is Acropolis?
Hundreds of these are part of Greece's country.
What are islands?
This civilization valued luxury over warfare and lived on the island of Crete.
Who are the Minoans?
Adult, male, Athenian-born.
Who are citizens?
Goddess of wisdom and war
Who is Athena?
Famous orator who helped restore the city of Athens.
Who is Pericles?
A system of government where a small group of the richest and most powerful citizens controlled decision making.
What is oligarchy?
Ruler of all the Greek gods.
Who is Zeus?
These servants accompanied wealthy boys to school.
What is a pedagogue?
She was known as the goddess of love and beauty.
Who is Aphrodite?
The three styles of Greek columns.
What are Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian?
The type of landform that cause city-states to form.
What are mountains?
Athenian historian who recorded the evens of the Peloponnesian War.
Who is Thucydides?
The god of wine, agriculture, and fertility.
Who is Dionysus?
A person who has excellent public speaking skills.
What is an orator?
The three seas that surround Greece.
What are the Mediterranean, Ionian, and Aegean Seas?
This philosopher introduced the scientific method.
Who is Aristotle?
A form of government in which the ruling power is in the hands of one person who is *not* the lawful king or queen, where that power is usually taken by force.
What is tyranny or tyrant rule?
Goddess of harvest.
Who is Demeter?