What is democracy?
The form of government where citizens directly make decisions
Which of the main city states in Ancient Greece focuses more on War
Which people lived on the island of Crete?
The Minoans
What were the main city states?
Athens and Sparta
God of the Sky, Thunder, and Controlled the Weather
Who is Zeus
What is an Oligarchy?
A type of government, a small group of people having control over a country or organization
A main city-state in Ancient Greece that treated women more poorly
What is Athens
Who was the biggest enemy of Ancient Greece?
What are columns?
The Greek architectural feature used in many important buildings in Washington, DC
God of the Ocean
who is Poseidon
What type of Government did Athens first practice?
4 things both city states have in common?
What are Slavery, women not citizens, same religion and language
These early "Greek" people were influenced by the Minoans but more focused on war than beauty.
The Mycenaeans
The method of teaching by questioning
What is the Socratic Method
Who was Alexander the Greats Father?
Phillip 2 of Macedon
Who were the Arts most important too?
Where were the Olympics held?
Who is Pythagoras, what did he invent?
He invented a geometry Theorem about triangles
What is a Myth?
A traditional story and they aren't exactly true
Who was allowed to partake in education in Athens?
Only Males
Three bodies of water that surround Greece
What are the Mediterranean, Ionian, and Aegean Seas
Who wrote "The Republic"?
God of Wisdom
What is Tyranny?
A ruler with absolute authority
What was Sparta's main value?
The Military
This Greek peninsula was also the name of a war?
Where did Geometry come from?
Goddess of Love
What type of government did Sparta have?
Something Ancient Greek city-states did to keep intruders out
Built Walls
Name a challenges faced by Greek farmers
1. Lack of farm land
2. Fresh water was scarce
Who taught Alexander the Great?
Goddess of Hunting
What did they call the gathering where the citizens met to debate issues in Athens?
The Assembly
What is an agora?
A Greek Marketplace
What was the staple crop in Ancient Greece?
What is the main oath for a Doctor of Medicine
The Hippocratic Oath
God of Archery and Music
Citizens have to be this age to vote in Ancient Greece
What is the Parthenon?
It is the building dedicated to Athena
Alexander the Great's empire included these 3 continents
What is Europe, Asia and Africa
Messenger God
What age did Spartans start training?
Who did most of the household work in Sparta?
Helots (Slaves)
Where is the home of the Gods
Mt. Olympus