Greek City-States
Historical Events and Figures
Greek Culture and Philosophy
Geography and Expansion
Political Structures

This city-state was known for its emphasis on discipline and military prowess.

What is Sparta?


In this war(s), Athens and Sparta united.

What is the Persian War(s)?


This philosopher is credited with authoring the epic poems "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."

Who is Homer?


The Greeks established colonies in distant lands primarily due to this factor.

What is seeking fertile farmland and less overpopulation?


This term describes a city-state's essential political and social unit in ancient Greece.

What is Polis?


This city-state concentrated on education and democracy, aiming to prepare citizens for both peace and war.

What is Athens?


In this year democracy was invented.

What is 508 B.C?


This form of democracy, used in Athens, allowed all eligible citizens to vote directly on major issues.

What is Direct Democracy?


The physical geography of Greece, characterized by these features, facilitated trade among its colonies.

What is the ease of water travel between colonies?


The United States differs from Ancient Athens' democracy primarily in this aspect.

What is having a representative democracy rather than direct democracy?


The city-state had an oligarchy.

What is Sparta?


The first Olympics occurred in this year.

776 B.C.


This philosopher believed in governance by philosopher-kings rather than democracy.

Who is Plato?


The geographic feature that led to the development of many independent Greek communities.

What are mountains and rugged terrain?


The Spartan system of governance included this type of ruling structure.

What is an oligarchy?

Pheidippides ran approximately 26 miles from the battlefield in this city-state to Athens to announce the Greek victory over the Persians, collapsing and dying upon delivering the news.

What is Marathon?


During Greece’s Golden Age, which influential statesman, often referred to as the "first citizen" of Athens, spearheaded democratic reforms, the construction of the Parthenon, and the expansion of the Athenian empire, significantly shaping the city's cultural and political landscape?

Who is Pericles?


The Socratic method involves engaging in this type of dialogue.

What is open-ended dialogue and questioning?


At its height, Alexander the Great's empire extended as far east as this.

What is Pakistan?


This form of government originated in the Roman Empire. It involves the election of representatives.

What is a republic?


Greece feel to Rome in this city-state in 146 B.C.

What is Corinth?


This era, marked by a fusion of Greek and local cultures, followed Alexander the Great's conquests and is characterized by the spread of Greek influence throughout the Mediterranean world.

What is the hellenistic era?


This era saw significant advancements in five fields. Name the individuals who contributed to the development of medicine, philosophy, history, mathematics, and architecture during Ancient Greece.

Who is Hippocrates - medicine, Socrates, Plato & Aristotle (philosophy) Herodotus (history), Pythagorus (math), Pericles (architecture -the parthenon).


This key geographic difference between Greece and Florida that explains why Greece’s cities were independent and spread out, while Florida's development is more centralized.

What is the fact that Greece is made up of 80% mountains.


Ancient Egypt was ruled by a system where the leader was one person. Athens practiced a system where citizens directly voted on laws, while the modern U.S. operates under a system where elected representatives make decisions for the people. Name the type of government for each civilization and explain how they differ in structure, citizenship and decision-making.

What are a theocracy (Egypt), direct democracy (Athens), and a republic (U.S.) -teacher will grade the rest.
