What kind of thing exists most fundamentally for Aristotle?
Primary Substance
What is the difference between a sentence and a statement?
A statement makes a claim that can be true or false, a sentence is just a meaningful utterance.
What is a premise?
A statement that asserts something of something (usually but not always a predicate of a substance)
Which is superior, a science with instrumental value or a science with intrinsic value?
A science with intrinsic value
What does it mean to 'say of' a primary substance?
To identify something essential, the account, of the primary substance, to group it according to its species or genus.
Describe and give an example of contrary statements.
Contrary statements have one asserting universally what the other is denying universally.
What is a deduction?
"A deduction is an argument in which, if p and q are assumed, then something else r, different from p and q, follows necessarily by the truth of p and q." 24b19-21
What phenomenon is most essential of nature?
What does it mean for a predicate to 'be in' a substance?
The predicate is in the substance, not as a part to a whole, the predicate is not essential to the thing being what it is, the predicate cannot exist except 'in' a substance.
Describe and give an example of contradictory statements.
What one asserts universally, the other asserts not universally.
What is a demonstrative premise?
"takes one side or the other of a contradiction" 24a22-23, is true, and is reached through original assumptions (which constitute the principles (arkhe) of the science)
What are the 4 causes of motion or change?
Formal, Material, Efficient, Final
What is an example of a primary substance?
A particular existing thing: me, that chair, etc.
What are the two types of potentiality described in De Interpretatione?
The potential to gain an ability and the potential to exercise an ability that one already has
What are the two kinds of definition?
Saying what something is (basic definition) and saying why something is (proper definition)
What is the highest kind of knowledge?
Knowledge of first principles and first causes.
What are the 10 categories of being?
Substance, quantity, quality, relation, when, where, having, being in a position, acting, being acted upon
Describe the issue with the truth value of the claim "There will be a sea battle tomorrow" and how Aristotle addresses this issue.
It is necessarily true or false that there will be a sea battle tomorrow (since this exhausts all possibilities) but it is neither necessary that there is a sea battle tomorrow, nor necessary that there is not.
What is the process of induction?
Perceptions lead to Memory which leads to experience, which leads to first principles
What is god, according to the metaphysics?
Thought thinking itself.