Number of "gods" that the Hindu people believed in.
What is many?
All Jataka tales teach a...
What is "a lesson"?
Name one thing that Hindus do at home in order to get ready for The Festival of Lights.
What is clean the house, or prepare special foods, or gather with family and friends, or buy new clothes?
God of Fire
Who is "Agni"?
Name the special clothing that a woman might ware during the festival.
What is a sari?
He built many hospitals and roads for people in his kingdom.
Who is "King Asoka"?
The time of year that The Festival of Lights is celebrated.
What is late October/early November; "autumn" or "fall" or "Halloween" or "at the time of the Hindu New Year"?
How could the richest and most powerful man in India feel jealous of a poor beggar on the side of the road?
He felt bad that the war had hurt so many people. Asoka was very sorry and wanted to lead a better life.